You can query the Logging service by using a REST API. The logs endpoint is authenticated using Unity Service Accounts.

Requesting logs

Make a GET request to the Logging API.

  • The Observability API documentation contains a detailed description of operations for querying logs.

  • Refer to Authentication for more information on how to authenticate.

Example cURL command:

curl<PROJECT_ID>/environments/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/logs \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS_ENCODED>' \
--url-query 'from=<TIME_FROM>' \
--url-query 'to=<TIME_TO>' \
--url-query 'query=<FILTER_EXPRESSION>' \
--url-query 'limit=<LIMIT>' \
--url-query 'offset=<OFFSET>'

The following optional query parameters are available:

  • from: a RFC3339 timestamp used to specify the starting timestamp of the records to return. For example, 2023-06-29T11:30:22.939Z.
  • to: a RFC3339 timestamp used to specify the ending timestamp of the records to return.
  • query: a boolean expression for filtering. Refer to Filter logs for more information.
  • limit: a positive integer to serve as the maximum number of records to return. Must be less than or equal to 100.
  • offset: a positive integer to serve as the offset number of logs from the first result of the query.

Relative time ranges

The API also supports relative time expressions for the from and to parameters to make working with time ranges easier.

The basic syntax of consists of the following components:

  • Base time: Either an RFC3999 timestamp or the now keyword.
  • Operator: Either + or -.
  • Time offset: An integer and a unit for days, hours, minutes, or seconds, e.g. 12d, 5h, 3m, 17s.

Some examples:

  • from=now-30m
  • from=2023-08-29T11:30:00.000Z+30s
  • from=now-2d&to=now-6h

Example API call

The following example shows how to query logs from the Logging API using cURL.

Refer to Authentication for more information on how to authenticate.

curl<PROJECT_ID>/environments/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>/logs \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS_ENCODED>' \
--url-query 'from=2023-09-01T00:00:00.000Z' \
--url-query 'to=2023-09-01T13:50:00.000Z' \
--url-query 'query=body~=”regular” AND logAttributes.example.myKey=”foo”' \
--url-query 'limit=10' \
--url-query 'offset=0'

The response could look as follows:

   "limit" : 10,
   "offset" : 0,
   "total" : 600,
   "results" : [
         "severityNumber" : 9,
         "severityText" : "Information",
         "timestamp" : "2023-09-01T10:45:00.445Z",
         "body" : "this is just a regular log message",
         "logAttributes" : {
            "example.myKey" : "foo",
            "log.record.uid" : "a566701a-a9e5-42f7-bd8e-013fa9ef1afa",
            "unity.environmentId" : "c288f9e5-423b-4150-a982-5a1a40b1219a",
            "unity.projectId" : "2af24fd0-f224-499e-8768-07b54c693aee"
         "resourceAttributes" : {
            "" : "cloud-code"

The response contains the following fields:

  • limit: the maximum number of records returned.
  • offset: the offset number of logs from the first result of the query.
  • total: the total number of records that match the query.
  • results: an array of log entries.

The results array objects map to the log schema.