Emit logs

You can emit logs from Cloud Code scripts and modules.

Cloud Code C# modules

You can emit logs from Cloud Code C# modules by using the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging library. Cloud Code automatically provides your code with a UGS Logger every time you request an ILogger through Dependency Injection.

The following code sample shows everything you need to do in order to instrument C# modules:


using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Unity.Services.CloudCode.Core;

namespace CloudCodeModules;

public class LoggingExample
    // Setting up the Dependency Injection. Cloud Code will inject a UGS Logger
    // into "_logger" which can then be used by all methods in this class
    private readonly ILogger<LoggingExample> _logger;
    public LoggingExample(ILogger<LoggingExample> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public string SayHello(IExecutionContext ctx, string name)
        // Logging out a standard message
        _logger.LogDebug("received a request to SayHello");

        // Logging out a templated message. The template variable "name"
        // will be available as a key-value pair inside the log attributes map.
        // Templated keys cannot use dot notation for namespacing.
        _logger.LogInformation("saying hello to {name}", name);

        // A scope can be used to share sets of attributes between multiple log
        // entries. Attribute keys in a scope can use dot notation for namespacing
        // purposes.
        using (_logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary<string, object>
                {"example.someInteger", 7 },
                {"example.someString", "frog blast the vent core!" }
            _logger.LogInformation("logging within a scope");
            _logger.LogInformation("logging again with the same attributes");

        return $"Hello, {name}!";

Cloud Code JavaScript scripts

You can emit logs from Cloud Code JavaScript scripts by using the default logger provided automatically as part of the script context.

The following code sample shows everything you need to do in order to instrument JavaScript scripts:


module.exports = async ({ params, context, logger }) => {
    logger.info("script executing", {"example.someString": "frog blast the vent core!"});
    logger.warning("this is a serious warning that the cheese is about to run out.");
    logger.error("out of cheese :(", {"example.foo": 42}, {"example.bar": 7});

The logger provides the following methods:

  • debug(message, ...logAttributes)
  • info(message, ...logAttributes)
  • warning(message, ...logAttributes)
  • error(message, ...logAttributes)
  • fatal(message, ...logAttributes)


You can pass multiple log attributes per call, however, the following restrictions apply:

  • Each log attribute must be an object with a single key/value pair.
  • The value must be a non-empty primitive (false booleans are allowed).