Cloud Code C# modules

Modules are C# libraries that the Cloud Code service can run to give you reusable server authoritative code. Unlike Cloud Code scripts, modules allow for multiple entry points and easier code reuse within the module.

You can generate bindings for your modules from the Unity Editor to ensure that the data you transfer between the Cloud Code client and your game use the same format.

You can call modules from games built with Unity, or from any other client or server.

Authoring methodDescription
Unity EditorUse the Unity Editor to create and deploy modules using the deployment window, automate your workflow and deploy Cloud Code alongside other Unity services.
Unity Gaming Services CLIUse the CLI to deploy and manage modules from the command line. Deploy multiple Unity service configurations at once, and integrate with CI/CD.
Unity Cloud DashboardUse the Unity Cloud Dashboard preview a list of deployed modules. You can access other Unity Gaming Services from the same place, such as Remote Config.
REST APIUse the REST API to create, deploy, and manage modules.

Cloud Code C# modules cannot use classes from the UnityEngine namespace or anything else in the Unity's scripting API. This is because Cloud Code uses the open-source .NET runtime (up to version 9 is supported). This is separate from the Unity runtime and does not rely on any of its scripting backends.

Typical workflow

The following process details a typical development cycle:

  1. Create a C# library project. Create a solution in the Unity Editor, or use the UGS CLI to create a new module project.
  2. Write the code. Use the Cloud Code C# service SDKs to integrate with other Unity services. Use the HTTP client to integrate with external services.
  3. Test and debug. Create a unit test project for your module to validate that everything works as intended, or deploy the library on a development environment to test it with real user data.
  4. Deploy the module. Deploy the project via the Deployment window in the Unity Editor or UGS CLI or to make it available within Cloud Code.
  5. Integrate the module with your project. Import the Cloud Code SDK into your game and use one of the provided methods to call your script.

Getting started

Learn the basics of creating and running modules.

Create a moduleGet started with modules.
Module structureLearn about the structure of a module project.
Write modulesLearn how to write modules using the Unity Editor, UGS CLI or the REST API.
Run modulesLearn how to run modules from Unity Runtime, using REST API or from a Multiplay server.
Error handlingLearn how handle errors in your modules.
LoggingLearn how to use logging to debug your module.
LimitsLearn about the limits of Cloud Code modules.
CostLearn about the cost of Cloud Code modules.

Development essentials

Learn how to structure your modules. Modules support dependency injection, DTOs, and custom serialization to make your development easier.

Module structureLearn about the structure of a module project.
Dependency injectionLearn how to decouple dependencies in your code.
Unit testsLearn how to write unit tests for your module.
Custom serializationLearn how to use custom serialization using Newtonsoft.Json properties.
Batch requestsLearn how to batch requests.

Automate deployment

To streamline the development and deployment of your modules, you can automate the process.

Integrate with CI/CDIntegrate the deployment of your module with your CI/CD pipeline.
Automate local deploymentAutomate the deployment of your module to the Cloud Code service.

Integrate further

You can integrate modules with other Unity Gaming Services and any external services, and access cross-player data.

To integrate with other services using their C# SDKs, you can install NuGet packages, or you can use a HTTP client.

AuthenticationLearn how to authenticate your game client with Cloud Code.
Service and access token supportLearn which UGS services and access tokens Cloud Code supports.
Available librariesFind the available UGS SDKs included with Cloud Code modules.
Access controlLearn how to control access and prevent unwanted usage.
Integrate with Unity ServicesLearn about connecting Cloud Code to other Unity services.
Integrate with external servicesLearn how to integrate with external services.
Interact with cross-player dataLearn how to access and update data for other players.
Send push messages to playersLearn how to send push messages to players.
TriggersLearn how to use triggers to run your modules on a schedule, or in response to events.

Advanced configuration

If you need a more in-depth configuration for your module, you can use the following guides.

Important: These topics are for advanced users who want to optimize their module for a specific use case.

Manual workflowLearn how to manually create, package, and deploy your module.
Package codeLearn how to package your module code into a .ccm file for deployment.
Automate local deployment using the project fileAutomate the deployment of your module using the project file.
Data transfer objectsLearn how to use data transfer objects to ensure that all data transferred between the Cloud Code client and your game use the same format.