Enum Class AuthenticationStates

Overall states for the authentication subsystem.

#include "AuthenticationStates.h"
enum class EAuthenticationStates : uint8
	SignedOut  UMETA(DisplayName = "Signed Out"),
	SigningIn  UMETA(DisplayName = "Signing In"),
	Authorized UMETA(DisplayName = "Authorized"),
	Refreshing UMETA(DisplayName = "Refreshing"),
	Expired    UMETA(DisplayName = "Expired")


Display NameNameValueDescription
Signed OutSigned Out0The default state of the Authentication subsystem.
Signing InSigning In1The state declaring that the Authentication subsystem is either authorized or expired.
AuthorizedAuthorized2The state of the Authentication subsystem when successfully authorized, and not yet expired.
RefreshingRefreshing3The state of the Authentication subsystem when the session is in the process of refreshing its token.
ExpiredExpired4The state of the Authentication subsystem when the session has expired.