Enum Class AuthenticationStates
Overall states for the authentication subsystem.
#include "AuthenticationStates.h"
enum class EAuthenticationStates : uint8
SignedOut UMETA(DisplayName = "Signed Out"),
SigningIn UMETA(DisplayName = "Signing In"),
Authorized UMETA(DisplayName = "Authorized"),
Refreshing UMETA(DisplayName = "Refreshing"),
Expired UMETA(DisplayName = "Expired")
Display Name | Name | Value | Description |
Signed Out | Signed Out | 0 | The default state of the Authentication subsystem. |
Signing In | Signing In | 1 | The state declaring that the Authentication subsystem is either authorized or expired. |
Authorized | Authorized | 2 | The state of the Authentication subsystem when successfully authorized, and not yet expired. |
Refreshing | Refreshing | 3 | The state of the Authentication subsystem when the session is in the process of refreshing its token. |
Expired | Expired | 4 | The state of the Authentication subsystem when the session has expired. |