Enum Class AuthenticationErrorCodes

#include "AuthenticationErrorCodes.h"
enum class EAuthenticationErrorCodes : uint8
	MinValue = 100                       UMETA(DisplayName = "MinimumValue"),
	ClientInvalidUserState = 101         UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientInvalidUserState"),
	ClientNoActiveSession = 102          UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientNoActiveSession"),
	InvalidParameters = 103              UMETA(DisplayName = "InvalidParameters"),
	AccountAlreadyLinked = 104           UMETA(DisplayName = "AccountAlreadyLinked"),
	AccountLinkLimitExceeded = 105       UMETA(DisplayName = "AccountLinkLimitExceeded"),
	ClientUnlinkExternalIdNotFound = 106 UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientUnlinkExternalIdNotFound"),
	ClientInvalidProfile = 107           UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientInvalidProfile"),
	InvalidSessionToken = 108            UMETA(DisplayName = "InvalidSessionToken"),
	ClientDeleteInvalidProfile = 109     UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientDeleteInvalidProfile"),
	ClientDeleteDefaultProfile = 110     UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientDeleteDefaultProfile"),
	ClientProcessingRequest = 111        UMETA(DisplayName = "ClientProcessingRequest")


Display NameNameValueDescription
MinimumValueMinValue100The minimal value of an Authentication error code.
ClientInvalidUserStateClientInvalidUserState101A client error that is returned when the user is not in the right state.
ClientNoActiveSessionClientNoActiveSession102A client error that is returned when trying to sign in with the session token while there is no cached session token.
InvalidParametersInvalidParameters103The error returned when the parameter is missing or not in the right format.
ClientInvalidProfileClientInvalidProfile107The error returned when a player tries to switch profile but the profile name is invalid.
InvalidSessionTokenInvalidSessionToken108The error returned when a session token is invalid.
ClientDeleteInvalidProfileClientDeleteInvalidProfile109The error returned when a player tries to delete a profile that does not exist.
ClientDeleteDefaultProfileClientDeleteDefaultProfile110The error returned when a player tries to delete the default authentication user profile.
ClientProcessingRequestClientProcessingRequest111The error returned when a player tries to alter the player profile while processing a request.