
Unity Remote Config uses environments to group Game Overrides and Settings, and deliver specific environments to the client (Unity Runtime Instance) based on the environmentId. If no environmentId is provided in the request - the default environment, which is the environment named production is returned to that instance.

Use the Unity Cloud Dashboard to manage your Remote Config environments. Upon initialization in a new project, only the default environment is available.


  • A project can have a maximum of 25 environments
  • Environment names must be unique
  • The development environment name is reserved, and cannot be created by users for users of Remote Config SDK Version <= @1.1.x
  • The production environment name is reserved, and it is the default environment. If an environmentID is NOT specified in the request the environment production will be served.

Working with environments

The Unity Cloud Dashboard lets you create, edit, and delete environments. This functionality is also available in the REST APIs.

Each environment has the following main parameters.

Environment NameThe readable identifier for the environment. For example, you might name an environment to match a given build of your game com_Unity_MyGame-1_1_1; or for a team member, to let them work independently of the settings used by others yourNameGoesHere.
Environment IdThe generated UUID (universally unique identifier) for the environment. The client uses this when requesting the Rules and Settings.
This parameter is required for integration.
is DefaultThis is not a user controllable flag as of 2021-07-30; the Environment Named production will be served as the default environment for builds that do not specify an EnvironmentID