Note: The content on this page pertains to Clanforge. If you’re using Multiplay Hosting, refer to the Multiplay Hosting documentation.
A mod is a container of configuration information and settings that profiles inherit from. Mods work like templates for profiles; they provide a set of base settings that includes map lists, game types, exposed files, available game images, resource usage specification, custom settings, configuration files, and command-line parameters. In a practical sense, it may help to think of mods as a way to keep separate configurations for each branch of a game title. For example, you might want a mod for your production branch, development branch, and staging branch. You can have one or more mods associated with your game to manage different configuration needs. Refer to Profiles and mods.
In a practical sense, it may help to think of mods as a way to keep separate configurations for each branch of a game title. For example, you might have a branch for production, development, and staging. You can have one or more mods associated with your game to manage different configuration needs.
Map lists
The map lists setting on mods allows you to specify specific game maps that should be available to the game servers running profiles that inherit from the mod. For example, if you have a mod for your development branch and you only want maps A, B, and D available to game servers running code in the development branch, this setting allows you to do so.
Game types
The game types setting on mods allows you to specify specific game types that should be available to the game servers running profiles that inherit from the mod. For example, if you have a mod for your development branch and you only want the game type battle royale available to game servers running code in the development branch, this setting allows you to do so.
Exposed files
Mods are unique from profiles in that they allow you to expose specific directories from the machines in your fleet to SFTP. Refer to Clanforge exposed directories.
Available game images
The available game images setting allows you to specify the game images that should be available to game servers running the profiles that inherit from the mod. For example, you can explicitly allows game images X, and Y for game servers, but disallow game image Z.
Resource usage specification
The resource usage specification mod setting is how Clanforge manages server density and resource distribution between game servers running on a machine. Clanforge helps you determine the best resource usages per mod during the integration process.
Configuration files
You can customize game server configuration files, such as the server.json file and the GAME.init file.
Command-line parameters
The command-line parameters setting on mods is also available at the profile level and allows you to specify start-up parameters and flags for the game server process. For example, you might have a start up parameter --logs=/some/directory/
that you use to specify where the game server process should output log files.