Simulation Experience
Use Simulation Experience to understand the Audience or player’s experience with your configured Game Overrides. In addition, you can add user IDs and their attributes, view the keys that would be overridden through Game Overrides, and look into any relevant conflicts.
For example, you might want to understand what Overrides your spenders would see. Or you might want to know why a single player didn’t receive the content from an Override you’ve configured.
Note: Simulation Experience only shows the Remote Config Overrides that your players are eligible to receive. Other Overrides such as Economy and Cloud Content Delivery are not currently shown.
In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, open Game Overrides.
Select Simulation Experience.
Select Group to simulate an Audience or Individual to simulate for a single player.
- If you select Group, select or create the Audiences you want to simulate. Audiences are combined with an OR operator, so selecting Engaged Players and Spenders selects players that are either in the Engaged or Spenders group.
- If you select Individual, enter the player ID; you can get this from the Analytics Event Browser or the Unity Editor.
Select Next.
Enter the attributes you want to override for the Audience or Player. Refer to Conditions.
Select Complete to start the simulation.
View the results of your simulation, including which keys the Override changes.
You can see the following information for your simulation:
Group information: the Audience(s) or Player for this simulation and the attributes being overridden.
Membership: the number of Overrides and Audiences the player or group is included in with the number of keys being overridden.
Delivered settings: the keys being overridden for this group or player.
- Key name: the name of the key
- Type: the type (int, string, bool, float, JSON, or long)
- Original value: the original (default) value of the key
- Final value: the value this key would be changed to for the selected group or player based on currently configured Overrides
- Source: the Override overriding the value
- Rejected conflicts: the number of conflicts between Overrides
- Inspect: view conflicts in greater detail