Data Explorer V1 metrics

The metrics available in Data Explorer V1 are:

DAUNumber of unique players per day.
DAU (new vs. returning)Percent of DAU who were new on that day.
WAUNumber of unique players in the previous 7 days.
MAUNumber of unique players in the previous 30 days.
DAU per MAUPercentage of MAU who played on a particular day (DAU/MAU).
New usersDaily users who are new that day.
Session lengthTime elapsed from when the user starts the app to when they exit.
Number of sessionsNumber of sessions played that day.
Sessions per userAverage number of sessions for each user.
Total daily play timeTotal playing time of all players on that day.
Daily play time per DAUAverage playing time of users playing on that day.
Day 1 retentionPercentage of users who returned to your game after one day.
Day 7 retentionPercentage of users who returned to your game after one week.
Day 30 retentionPercentage of users who returned to your game after 30 days.
ARPPUAverage revenue per paying user (This metric includes revenue from both transaction and adImpression events where available).
ARPDAUAverage revenue per daily active user (This metric includes revenue from both transaction and adImpression events where available).
TransactionsCount of all transactions.
Paying usersNumber of DAUs who spent money that day.
Revenue per transactionTransaction amount divided by number of transactions.
Total revenueSum of all transaction amounts.

Events can be further grouped by event parameters. Event parameters are extra information sent with the event.

For example, in a Fruit Machine-like game, spinSummary would be an event, and numberWinningLine would be an event parameter.

Use the aggregate filter based on event counts by the user. "Aggregate by Average" means the average event count across all users. "Aggregate by Max" means the maximum number of events sent by any given user, and so on.

You can summarize your data in a table view. You can select sum or average, which adds a selector, and a new row in the summary table of Data Explorer.