Update player data

Players can update their own data in a lobby. The lobby host and other players can read this data depending on the data visibility option (see Lobby data and player data).

The following code sample shows how to update player data:


            UpdatePlayerOptions options = new UpdatePlayerOptions();

            options.Data = new Dictionary<string, PlayerDataObject>()
                    "existing data key", new PlayerDataObject(
                        visibility: PlayerDataObject.VisibilityOptions.Private,
                        value: "updated data value")
                    "new data key", new PlayerDataObject(
                        visibility: PlayerDataObject.VisibilityOptions.Public,
                        value: "new data value")

            //Ensure you sign-in before calling Authentication Instance
            //See IAuthenticationService interface
            string playerId = AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId;

            var lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.UpdatePlayerAsync("lobbyId", playerId, options);

        catch (LobbyServiceException e)