Frequently asked questions

This section lists some frequently asked questions and their respective answers. As the documentation matures, you'll find the answers to these questions throughout the main documentation topics.

How often can one user send a friend request to another (if the receiving user ignores/removes the request)?

The Friends service doesn't cap the number or frequency of friend requests.

Does blocking a user on the current user's friends list also remove them from the friends list?

It depends on how you interact with the Friends SDK. You have two ways to interact with the SDK; with the managed service object or with the API wrapper.

The preferred way is by using the managed service object. If you use the managed service object, when a user gets blocked, the managedService object returns the friends list without the blocked user. In short, this means blocking a user doesn't automatically remove them from the current user's friends list. The blocked user appears as a blocked friend.

If you use the API wrapper version of the SDK (which is the “raw” SDK, but has less comfort methods), then each user's friends list collection includes blocked users if they were on the user's friends list at the time they were blocked.

Is there a limit to the number of friends a user can have on their friends list? What about their block list?

Refer to relationships for a list of the current limits on the different types of relationships.

![NOTE!] Note: The limits might change in the future (depending on your feedback), so let us know if you have any comments or feedback about the current limits.

Is it possible to tell a user when another user removes them from their block list?

No. Users don't know that the a user blocked them.

Can a user block another user who has already blocked them?


When can users access another user’s presence?

Users can only access the presence information of other users on their friends list that haven't blocked them.

Why might a user want to perform a relationship refresh?

You might want to do a relationship refresh in the scenario that the Friends Service object isn't behaving as expected.

The relationship refresh calls the back-end service to pull all the data for that user again. However, you might never need to do this because the managed service object refreshes its lists as the you use it to perform actions like adding users to a friends list or blocking users. Refer to Force refresh relationship.

Are messages stored and sent to users when they go online?

No, messages are intended to be sent to a friend when they are currently active within a game and are not saved by friends to be sent at a later time.