Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Reposition yourself in the model

When you use Manual placement to place your model, you are in the exact center of the model on all axes. The model’s placement is relative to you, not the site.

You can use the tools in the Align menu to move the model into position relative to the site, but this can be time consuming. To save time, you can use Navigate mode to change your location in the model so that your position in the model corresponds to your position on the site.

Reposition yourself in a model placed in AR mode

  1. Move to the alignment location on the site.

  2. Move the AR mode slider to the right to switch to Navigate mode.

  3. Move the avatar to the desired location. Position the avatar so that he is standing in front of you with his back towards you.

  4. Hold the device up at head height, parallel with your view (not slanted).

  5. Before you switch back to AR mode, check if the timer is visible.

    If the timer is visible:

    1. Tap the timer. See About the mode timer, below.
    2. Tap Stop AR. This clears the AR-mode alignment information from memory.
  6. Switch to AR mode. You will be in the location in the model corresponding to where you placed the avatar in Navigate mode.

About the mode timer

When you switch from AR mode to Navigate mode, a timer appears below the Navigate slider. While you are in Navigate mode, the app keeps the last view in AR mode, including the model alignment, in memory for five minutes. After that time elapses, if you return to AR mode, the model remains loaded but the model alignment is lost.