Unity Dashboard

The Unity Cloud Dashboard is a simple way to get started as it allows you to take full control of your leaderboards through a graphical interface. This section covers how you can preview, create, edit, and delete your leaderboards.

Preview scripts

You can access a list of all Leaderboards for an environment from the Unity Cloud Dashboard. To access it:

  1. In the Unity Cloud Dashboard, within the LiveOps section, select Leaderboards.
  2. Select Overview.
  3. Select an environment from the list of environments.

A list of all Leaderboards in the selected environment for the project appears. The table contains the name, ID, and last published date. You can sort the table by name or use the pagination to see the full range of leaderboards.

Create a leaderboard

Create your first leaderboard in the Unity Dashboard to get started with Leaderboards.

  1. Within the LiveOps section, go to Leaderboards, then select Overview.

  2. Select Add Leaderboard.

    Each leaderboard is linked to a specific environment.

  3. Fill in the following information:

    1. Details
      1. Name: A descriptive name for your leaderboard.
      2. ID: The ID for your leaderboard. The ID is used to identify the leaderboard in API calls from your game.
    2. Configuration
      1. Sort Order: The sorting order for your leaderboard.
      2. Update Strategy: Determines how updates to existing player scores in the leaderboard are calculated.
      3. Buckets: Increase player engagement by splitting players into smaller cohorts (buckets) based on a max bucket size. In bucketed leaderboards, players don’t play against all other players but instead only see the players in their bucket.
    3. Scheduled Resets: Leaderboards can be configured to reset automatically on a predefined schedule. Scores contained in the leaderboard will expire based on this schedule and users will be able to submit new scores for each reset cycle. A leaderboard may also be manually reset using the “Reset” button from the leaderboard page on the dashboard.
    4. Tiers: Organize your leaderboard into tiers based on player score thresholds. Tiers can be used to provide a more engaging social and competitive gameplay experience.
  4. Select Finish.

The next screen is the Details page for your new leaderboard.

Delete a leaderboard

To delete leaderboards from the Unity Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the leaderboards list page.

  2. Select the bin icon. A dialog appears warning you that deleting this leaderboard cannot be undone.

    Deleting a leaderboard that is in use by a live game causes errors in the game client.

  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting Delete.