Service identifiers

Note: The content on this page pertains to Managed Game Server Hosting (Clanforge). If you’re using Game Server Hosting (Multiplay), refer to the Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) documentation.

Each customer has at least one set of service identifiers that identifies the specific resources and identities associated with their account. If you’ve forgotten or lost or service identifiers, contact the Multiplayer support team.

The full list of available service identifiers is outlined below.

Service identifier


Account service ID (ASID)

Your ASID is the globally unique identifier of your account that we use to tie all your resources, services, and information together.

Game ID

Your game ID is the globally unique identifier of your game title. If you have more than one game hosted with us, you have more than one game ID.

Game image IDs

A game image ID is a unique identifier of a specific game server binary. You might have one or more game image IDs depending on your unique implementation (such as, development branches or supported platforms).

Build machine

Your build machine is a machine that exists outside of any of your fleets for testing and updating game images.

Fleet ID

A fleet ID is a globally unique identifier of a specific fleet associated with your account. You might have one or more Fleet IDs depending on your unique implementation (for example, development branches, or supported platforms).

Profile IDs

A profile ID is a globally unique identifier of a specific game profile. You might have one or more profile IDs depending on your unique implementation. For example, you might have a profile for each development branch, game mode, event, or supported platform.

Region IDs

A region ID is a globally unique identifier of a specific region within one of your fleets. You might have one or more region IDs depending on your unique implementation, but it's common to have multiple region IDs after the proof-of-concept (POC) stage of integration.