Attention: As of July 2024, Cloud Diagnostics Advanced is officially deprecated. It will be sunset in Q3 2025, and current customers will be supported through the end of their current annual subscription. Contact us if you are interested in a crash and error reporting tool.


The Explore tool queries your diagnostic data. You can use the Explore to group by attributes other than fingerprint and aggregate attribute information.

You are able to use the same filters discussed in the Triage tool, and further use Group By and Aggregate functions to slice and dice your data by other attributes like version, user, app module, and more.

Some examples for Group By:

  • Group by attribute ConsoleVersion, and then add Aggregates for callstack distribution, unique number of users impacted, unique number of fingerprints, and the last time one of these crashes occurred.
  • Group by a userID to see all errors encountered by a given user (useful for support staff who is researching a specific users problems),
  • Group by OS version to identify instability that may be associated with a new OS patch (useful for QA leads working on a new test run).
  • Group by deviceID to see instability by specific hostname. In all of these cases, it becomes useful to add an Aggregate of "Unique Fingerprints" so you can see both a count of individual errors as well as a count of the unique number of issues seen.

You can also use the View as function to change the default Aggregate view. View as options are:

  • Aggregate
  • List
  • Flame graph
  • Similarity