Process Authentication Tokens

ProcessAuthenticationTokens is used to process Unity Authentication Service Access Tokens and make them available to other UGS SDKs integrated into the game that require the player to be authenticated. Since the access tokens expire you must manually refresh the access token and call ProcessAuthenticationTokens with the new access token. You can call ProcessAuthenticationTokens with both the access token and the session token. The Unity Authentication SDK refreshes the access token before it expires, keeps the player's session active, and enables sign in a cached player.

using Unity.Services.Authentication;

void SignUserWithCustomTokenWithAutoRefresh()
        // Check if a cached player already exists by checking if the session token exists
        if (AuthenticationService.Instance.SessionTokenExists) 
            // This call will sign in the cached player.
            await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync();
            Debug.Log("Cached user sign in succeeded!");
            var userTokens = // Fetch the user tokens using your method calls
            AuthenticationService.Instance.ProcessAuthenticationTokens(userTokens.AccessToken, userTokens.SessionToken)
        // Shows how to get the playerID
        Debug.Log($"PlayerID: {AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId}");   
    catch (AuthenticationException ex)
        // Compare error code to AuthenticationErrorCodes
        // Notify the player with the proper error message
    catch (RequestFailedException ex)
        // Compare error code to CommonErrorCodes
        // Notify the player with the proper error message
    catch (Exception ex) {
        // Handle exceptions from your method call

Note that the sample code is a method only, not a class.