Frequently asked questions
Are there any costs associated with Unity Authentication?
There are currently no costs for Unity Authentication.
Which third party/external logins are currently supported by Unity Authentication?
- Google Play Games
- Apple Game Center
- Steam
- Username & Password
- Unity Player Accounts
- OpenID Connect
- Oculus (Meta Quest)
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- PlayStation 5
- PlayStation 4 (via PlayStation 5 cross-gen SDK)
- Nintendo Switch
- Sign in with Google
- Sign in with Apple
Refer to the section on external identity providers for more information.
Are there any samples available to showcase what Unity Authentication offers?
We have samples that demonstrate how to use Anonymous login and some third party logins. The samples also include linking, unlinking accounts and session management.
Which Facebook app types are currently supported?
We currently support the Consumer
and Business
app types.
What is the supported SteamWorks SDK version?
SteamWorks SDK version 20.0.0 and above are supported.
How can I manage player accounts locally for multiplayer testing?
You can isolate and preserve sessions by using AuthenticationService.Instance.SwitchProfile(string profile)
API. This allows managing multiple accounts locally by switching the current player profile and isolating the session token in PlayerPrefs
. Refer to the Profile management page for more information.
Do we support console platforms?
We support console-specific logins with cross-platform code-linking for console ID providers. Learn more about code-link.
Do we support cross-platform use cases?
UGS offers robust cross-platform account and authentication solutions that support cross-play and progression across all major devices and platforms.