Matchmaker ticket flow

This Matchmaker flow takes you through the creation of a matchmaking ticket to the allocation of a server for the match created and the ticket assignment.

Matchmaker ticket flow

  1. When a player launches the game, the game client authenticates using the Unity Authentication Service.
  2. Once the player has selected their game parameters (such as game mode), the game client creates and sends a matchmaking ticket to the Matchmaker service.
  3. The Matchmaker matches the ticket with other players' tickets and requests a game server allocation from the Game Server Hosting service to host the match, passing it information about the match made via Matchmaking Results.
  4. Game Server Hosting allocates the best server available and forwards the Matchmaking Results to the Payload Allocation Service.
  5. Once the server starts, it retrieves the Matchmaking Results to get the information on who the players are and their distribution across the different teams.
  6. Once the server is allocated, Matchmaker updates the ticket with the connection information IP and Port.
  7. The game client polls the Matchmaker service every second to get the ticket status. Once the server connection information is added to the ticket, the game client retrieves it, connects to the server and joins the match.