Common errors

Android Network Error:

SSL CA certificate Error:

Only TLS version 1.2 and above are supported for Android devices. TLS 1.2 is supported by Android API levels 16+ and enabled by default on 21+. To use the SDK you need to have TLS 1.2 enabled.

Authentication error codes

ClientInvalidUserState Returned when the player is not in the expected state. For example, calling SignOut when the player is already signed out will result in this error.

ClientNoActiveSession Returned when trying to sign in with a session token while there is no cached session token. Refer to the Session token management and PlayerPrefs sections for more information on how and where a session token is saved.

ClientUnlinkExternalIdNotFound Returned when a player tries to unlink a social account but no external ID for that provider is found for the account. This could be because the player info has not been loaded.

ClientInvalidProfile Returned when a player tries to switch profile but the profile name is invalid. Refer to the Profile management section for more information.

InvalidParameters Returned when the parameter is missing or not in the right format.

AccountAlreadyLinked Returned when a player tries to link a social account that is already linked with another player.

AccountLimitExceeded Returned when a player tries to link a social account but this player has already reached the limit of links for that account type. Social platform account linking is typically limited to one link per platform type per player.

Android-specific error codes:

Android Network Error SSL CA certificate Error. Only TLS version 1.2 and above are supported for Android devices. TLS 1.2 is supported by Android API levels 16+ and enabled by default on 20+.