Introduction to Install campaigns

User acquisition campaigns help you bring new players into your game. Install campaigns are the standard user acquisition campaign because they’re optimized toward acquiring new users.

To manage your campaigns from the Unity Ads User Acquisition dashboard, add an app or select an existing app to access its Campaigns page.

The Campaigns dashboard

The Campaigns dashboard provides an overview of your app’s campaign performance. You can search for campaigns to display, or filter data by campaign goal, billing type, status, and timeframe.

iOS campaign dashboard features

iOS apps have additional insights available for the Campaigns dashboard.

Available slots

Your iOS apps have a maximum of 50 combined slots for campaigns and creative packs. All iOS campaigns count toward this limit, regardless of targeted operating system versions. For example, you can have:

  • 50 campaigns that have one creative pack each
  • Five campaigns that have 10 creative packs each
  • One campaign that has 50 creative packs

The top-right corner displays your allotted slots. If you reach the maximum number of slots and want to add more, you need to first unassign creative packs or pause campaigns. After a cooldown period of 72 hours, you can assign new creative packs or start new campaigns.

SKAdNetwork reporting

If you have data from SKAdNetwork postbacks, you can switch between dashboard metrics for Mobile Measurement Partners (MMP) and the SKAdNetwork.

The following is a comparison of MMP data against SKAdNetwork data from the last 24 hours for a test account:

The number of installs differs in the examples. This discrepancy will gradually change as publishers adopt SKAdNetwork.

Note: Certain details, such as conversion statistics, are not available for SKAdNetwork data because of the granularity of SKAdNetwork postbacks.