iOS campaign considerations

Your iOS apps have a maximum of 50 advertising slots. All campaigns associated with the same app share these 50 slots. An iOS advertising slot consists of one campaign ID and one creative pack type. When configuring iOS advertising slots, there are two creative pack types:

Creative pack typeDescriptionNotes
Video + static end cardA video ad followed by an image-type end card
Video + playable end cardA video ad paired with an interactive demo or an ad with only an interactive playable and no videoThis creative pack type includes standalone playable ads that don’t contain a video creative.

Slot consumption

Each iOS campaign consumes a maximum of two advertising slots. When you access the Campaigns page for an iOS app, the dashboard displays your Available slots out of 50. You can also review how many slots each campaign consumes in the Slots used column of the Campaigns table.

Slot consumption examples

All iOS campaigns associated with an app consume from the 50-slot limit. Refer to the following examples of how your campaigns consume these slots:

Example appLive campaignsCreative packs in each campaignCreative pack types in each campaignAdvertising slots consumedNotes
iOS App 122
  • Video + static end card
  • Video + playable end card
4Each campaign associated with this app uses two creative pack types and therefore consumes two slots.
iOS App 2225
  • Video + static end card
  • Video + playable end card
  • Standalone playable
4Video + playable end card creative packs and standalone Playable creative packs consume the same advertising slot.
iOS App 3210
  • Video + static end card
2Because these campaigns use only one type of creative pack, each campaign consumes only one slot.

Slot cooldown

If you’ve used all 50 iOS advertising slots and want to use additional advertising slots for your app, you can do one of the following to free up slots:

  • Unassign all creative packs of the same type from a live campaign.
  • Pause a live campaign.

If you unassign a creative pack from a live campaign but the campaign still has creative packs of the same type assigned to it, unassigning the creative pack won’t free up any slots.

When you unassign all creative packs of the same type or pause a live campaign, your freed slots will be available after a 72-hour cooldown period.