Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Load a model

Use this procedure to load the model into VisualLive for HoloLens. At the end of this procedure, you can use Marker Scan, Marker Airtap, Two-point placement, or Anchor Search to place the model if the model supports these options. Any model can be placed with Manual Adjustment.


Important: If you're working offline, before you load the model, the model must be synced (downloaded to your device) and you must be logged into an offline session. See Work offline.

Most placement methods require preparation:

  • For Marker Scan or Marker Airtap, an AR maker must exist in the model. AR markers are created in the VisualLive plug-in.
  • For Two Point (Two-point placement), reference points must exist in the model. Reference points are created in the VisualLive plug-in.
  • For Anchor Search, the model must contain an anchor lock that was saved in a previous session. If you're in an online session, anchor locks saved during previous online sessions are available. If you're in an offline session, anchor locks saved during previous offline sessions are available.

Before you load the model:

  1. Scan the environment. This is particularly important if this is the first time you're loading the model in the environment.

    In the Overlay Reality tools on the main window, turn on the Wireframe option and walk around to scan the site. Take your time scanning the environment and build up a good scan mesh.

  2. Move to the location on the physical site that corresponds with the location of the alignment option you want to use.

To load the model

  1. On the main window, in the Files menu, ensure Models is selected.

  2. Select Cloud or Synced:

    • The Cloud tab displays the list of models on the cloud.
    • The Synced tab displays the list of files that have been downloaded to your device.
  3. Select your model.

  4. Airtap Load.

    Wait for the model to load all the way to 100%.

  5. Place the model.

    • If the model contains anchor locks, you're prompted to search for one. You can skip the search and select a different placement method on the main window.

    • If the model contains an AR marker or reference points, on the main window, airtap the placement method you want to use. (If a placement method is not available for the model, its icon appears disabled.)

    • If there are no anchor locks, AR markers, or reference points in the model, the Model Tools window opens.

  6. Follow the instructions for the type of placement you are performing: