Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Two-point placement

Use this method to place a model using reference points created in the VisualLive plug-in. For this method, the points are placed horizontally.

Creating reference points in the plug-in

Choose fixed points or corners that exist in the site, such as the intersection of a door frame with the floor. The reference points should be a few feet from each other. Distance between the points does not improve accuracy: if the points are far apart, the model can drift out of alignment before placement.

Specifying the points in the site

When you place the model in AR mode, the location of the points in the site must be accurate and specified in the same order as they were set in the plug-in: point 1 is the location, point 2 is the rotation.


  • Reference points have been set in the model in the VisualLive plug-in. You must know exactly where these points were placed in the model and the corresponding location on the site.
  • The steps in Load a model have been completed.

Place the model using reference points set in the model

  1. Airtap Two Points in the placement options on the main window. (You may have to skip Anchor Search to make the placement option appear.)

  2. Airtap the location in the site that corresponds to the first point in the model. This establishes the alignment point.

  3. Airtap the second point in the site that corresponds to the second point in the model. This establishes the rotation of the model.

    The model appears in view, aligned at the alignment point.