Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Wireframe, occlusion, and rendering-distance controls

The overlay-reality and distance-filtering tools are located on the main window. These settings control how the model is shown:

  • Wireframe. Whether the scan mesh (the wireframe) is visible.
  • Occlusion. Whether objects in the real world hide the areas of the model that are behind them,
  • Distance Filtering. The distance within which the model is rendered.

You can also control the opacity of the model. For more information, see X-ray.

Overlay Reality

Options: None, Wireframe, Occlusion, and Occlusion plus Wireframe.

To turn the options on or off, airtap the buttons.

Note: Wireframe is visible by default during some actions such as two-point adjustment and creating an anchor lock.


(left to right)

 None (left). No wireframe (scan mesh) or occlusion is active. Airtap None to turn off active wireframe and/or occlusion.
 Occlusion (middle). Areas of the model that are behind objects in the scanned environment are hidden. For example, pipes behind a wall are hidden. Scan mesh is not visible on the occluding object (for example, the wall).

Wireframe (right). Displays the scanned area as a mesh of blue wireframe triangles.

The wireframe becomes denser as more information is added to the scan. If the scan mesh has blank areas in it, continue scanning to try to fill these areas with wireframe.

If the model is loaded, the scan mesh is visible through the model; there is no occlusion.

+    Occlusion plus wireframe. Areas of the model that are behind objects in the scanned environment are hidden. Wireframe is visible on the occluding objects.

Distance Filtering

Use the slider to set the distance at which the model stops rendering. Reducing the distance can reduce or eliminate lags or stutters (frame rate). Limiting the distance at which the model is rendered improves loading speed and recognition of the space immediately in front of you. The distance limit for rendering is displayed in Imperial units.

Note: Rendering distance is always at least 30 feet, that is you cannot reduce the rendering distance to less than 30 feet.