

All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[3.2.0] - 2024-04-03


  • Updated Apple Privacy Manifest


  • Support for sampling in public player data and public custom data queries.

[3.1.1] - 2024-02-08

  • Added Apple Privacy Manifest

[3.1.0] - 2023-11-23


  • The existing CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player.DeleteAsync has been marked as Obsolete, with a new version added that accepts options of type CloudSave.Models.Data.Player.DeleteOptions instead of CloudSave.DeleteOptions. This enables the addition of new options to support Access Classes (see below in Added).


  • Support for Access Classes when interacting with Player Data, via the addition of optional options objects to existing methods in the CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player API. For more information on Access Classes, please refer to the documentation.

    • Allows players to save data to the Public Access Class in addition to the existing Default, which allows saved data to be visible to other players.
    • Allows players to read data from Public and Protected Access Classes in addition to the existing Default, where Protected Player Data can only be set by a server authoritative source (e.g. Cloud Code)
    • Allows players to read other players' Public Player Data, by providing their Player ID as part of the new options object.
  • Support for Querying in both Public Player Data and Default Custom Data, via the new QueryAsync method. For more information on Querying, please refer to the documentation.

    • Any data for which an index is configured can be queried by specifying filters on the indexed data (e.g. clanMemberCount < 20)
    • Any data stored for the returned entities (whether indexed or not) can be retrieved as part of the query response by specifying ReturnKeys in the Query object.

[3.0.0] - 2023-07-25


  • All existing methods have been marked as obsolete. They have mostly been replicated in new namespaces with some additional changes:
    • Methods in the namespace CloudSaveService.Instance.Files have been replicated in the namespace CloudSaveService.Instance.Files.Player without additional changes.
    • Methods in the namespace CloudSaveService.Instance.Data have been replicated in the namespace CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player with some additional changes:
      • RetrieveAllKeysAsync has been renamed to ListAllKeysAsync and now returns a Task<List<ItemKey>> where ItemKey includes additional metadata alongside the key: The write lock value, and modified date-time.
      • LoadAsync and LoadAllAsync now return a Task<Dictionary<string, Item>>, where Item includes additional metadata alongside the value: The write lock value, modified date-time, and created date-time.
      • ForceSaveAsync has been removed in favour of SaveAsync(IDictionary<string, object> data), or SaveAsync(IDictionary<string, SaveItem> data) without specifying the write lock on the SaveItem.
      • ForceDeleteAsync has been removed in favour of DeleteAsync without specifying the write lock option.


  • Support for reading data from custom IDs stored with Game State for Cloud Save Data. This data is read-only from the SDK and the following methods are available from the namespace CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Custom.*
    • ListAllKeysAsync will list all keys for a given custom data ID with their metadata
    • LoadAsync will load the data for the specified keys for a given custom data ID
    • LoadAllAsync will load all the data for a given custom data ID
  • Support for reading and enforcing write locks on player data writes:
    • Added SaveAsync(IDictionary<string, SaveItem> data) which will fail for the given item if the supplied write lock on the SaveItem does not match the server state
    • SaveAsync returns a Dictionary<string, string> with the saved keys and their updated write locks
    • Added DeleteAsync with an optional DeleteOptions parameter which will fail if the specified write lock option does not match the server state

[2.2.1] - 2023-04-27

  • ForceSaveAsync now supports batching when trying to save more than 20 keys in a single call
  • Cloud Save Files support, including write lock support for all appropriate methods.
    • ListAllAsync lists all files belonging to the signed in player with metadata
    • GetMetadataAsync returns the metadata for a given file
    • SaveAsync will upload a given file to Cloud Save Files storage for the player, supports either a Stream or a byte[]
    • LoadStreamAsync will download a given file from Cloud Save Files storage for the player, and returns a Stream object containing the file data
    • LoadBytesAsync will download a given file from Cloud Save Files storage for the player, and returns a byte[] object containing the file data

[2.0.1] - 2022-06-10

  • Added missing XmlDoc to public ICloudSaveDataClient interface and CloudSaveService static class.

[2.0.0] - 2022-05-12

  • The Cloud Save SDK is no longer pre-release!

[2.0.0-pre.2] - 2022-05-06

  • Breaking Change: Code in the Unity.Services.CloudSave.Editor.Settings namespace has been made internal as it was never meant to be public.
  • Updated dependencies.

[2.0.0-pre.1] - 2022-03-14

  • Added mechanism to halt web traffic when request limits have been exceeded and requests are guaranteed to be rejected by the server.
  • The Cloud Save service is now accessed using CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.<API>.
  • When a rate limit error occurs, a specific CloudSaveRateLimitedException will now be thrown. The new exception type includes the RetryAfter value (in seconds).
  • Added the Project Settings tab with link to Cloud Save dashboard.

[1.0.0-pre.3] - 2021-10-14

  • All models that weren't documented have been made internal as they were not designed to be used externally.
  • Improved documentation (sample scene and annotations).
  • Updated dependencies (Core and Authentication).

[1.0.0] - 2021-08-17

  • Open Beta release
  • Updated dependencies (Core and Authentication).
  • Methods marked with Obsolete annotations have been removed.
  • LoadAsync has been split into two separate methods: LoadAsyncAll and LoadAsync(HashSet<string> keys).
  • Both Load-related methods now return Dictionary<string, string>, with a JSON serialized value that needs to be deserialized by the user.
  • Package-specific error types are now: CloudSaveException and CloudSaveValidationException (More properties are now available for debugging the issues).
  • Removed Moq dependency from the package.
  • CloudSaveSample was transformed into the code-example.

[0.5.0-preview] - 2021-07-30

  • Core SDK has been updated to v.1.1.0-pre.5.
  • Authentication package version is now on version 1.0.0-pre.1.
  • Internals were updated to use the latest REST APIs from the Cloud Save Service for the long-term resiliency.
  • Interface methods have been renamed to be in sync with the Unity naming convention. All public async functions now include Async suffix. Old methods are still available, but with Obsolete annotation. They will be removed as a part of the next release.

[0.4.0-preview] - 2021-06-17

  • All dependencies are now up to date: ** Core SDK has been updated to v.1.1.0-pre.2 ** Authentication package version is now 0.5.0-preview ** Code-gen API wrapper updated to v.0.2.0

Bug fixes

  • The latest API changes are now addressed - all interface methods work again (no breaking changes have been introduced).

Known Issues

  • There is an issue with the sample scene where links between elements and objects in code are missing.

[0.3.0-preview] - 2021-05-27

New Features

  • Very basic client-based validation is now in place to lower the number of API calls that would result in errors.
  • Sample scene has been improved to be more user-friendly.

Bug fixes

  • All methods are now functioning correctly on iOS.
  • No more intermittent "Unknown" exceptions while loading all data from the server.

[0.2.0-preview] - 2021-05-24

New Features

  • Core SDK integration - Cloud Save supports the Core initialisation and authentication flows.
  • Exceptions are now more user-friendly - methods will throw consistent exceptions.
  • Code-gen API wrapper updated to v0.26.0.

Bug fixes

  • Removed console errors for conflicting meta files between dependencies.
  • Improved pagination.

Known Issues

  • Intermittent "Unknown" exceptions coming from codegen while trying to load all data from the server.
  • Currently unavailable for iOS - all actions throwing errors.

[0.1.0-preview] - 2021-05-14

This is the initial release of the Cloud Save SDK.

New Features

  • Retrieve all keys from CloudSave for the currently signed in player.
  • Load player's key-value pairs (all or specified keys) from CloudSave.
  • Save up to 20 key-value pairs at once (max 200 in total) for a player.
  • Delete one key-value pair based on provided key.

Known Issues

  • Every exception is returned as BasicError (generic error wrapper).
  • There is no client-side validation.