
Creates a new server connection profile.


cm profile [create | mk]

(Creates a new profile interactively.)

cm profile [create | mk] --server=<server_addr> --username=<username> --password=<password> --workingmode=<workingmode>

(Creates a new server connection profile using a user/password authentication mode.)

cm profile [create | mk] --server=<server_addr> --username=<username> --token=<token> --workingmode=SSOWorkingMode

(Creates a new server connection profile using Single Sign On authentication mode.)


Option / ArgumentDescription
--serverCreates the connection profile for the specified server.
--usernameThe username that should be used in the connection profile
--passwordThe plain-text password that should be used in the connection profile. This option is only valid for authentication modes that are based on a user and password.
--tokenThe plain-text token that should be used in the connection profile. This option is only valid for authentication modes that are based on a token (SSOWorkingMode for now).
--workingmodeThe target server's authentication mode. Available users/security working modes: LDAPWorkingMode (LDAP) UPWorkingMode (User and password) SSOWorkingMode (Single Sign On)



When using this command interactively (without options), the client will try to connect to the server to obtain the working mode and check the credentials. This guarantees that the resulting profile is correct.

When specifying the options, the client will generate the connection profile without connecting to the server. This is useful when creating connection profiles for automation purposes.


cm profile create

(Creates a new connection profile interactively.)

cm profile create --username=sergio --password=thisissupersecret --workingmode=LDAPWorkingMode

(Creates a new connection profile to connect to '' using user 'sergio' and password 'thisissupersecret' through LDAP working mode.)

cm profile create --username=sergio --token="TOKENAMoKJ9iAA(...)12fssoprov:unityid" --workingmode=SSOWorkingMode

(Creates a new connection profile to connect to '' using user 'sergio' and the specified token through Single Sign On working mode.)