

After a match is found, Matchmaker spins up a dedicated game server and updates the match with the server details. In the case of Game Server Hosting, you must configure a fleet before making allocations from the matchmaker.


A field on a matched ticket that holds the details of the match and server, once allocated.

Dedicated Game Server (DGS)

This is the game server binary that handles the game logic and where the Matchmaker allocates and routes the game clients upon successful matches.

Default pool

A default pool is the first pool created within a queue and does not have any filters. Tickets that are not matched with other pools in the queue are placed in the default pool.

Default queue

A default queue is the first queue created. Tickets created without queue properties or with empty queue properties will be routed to the default queue.


An environment is a global container that represents an instance of a matchmaker. For example, development, staging, and production.


A filter defines how a ticket is routed to the correct pool.

Game client

Players use the game client to play the game and interact with the matchmaker.


A match represents a group of tickets that are matched together into a game.

Matchmaking logic

This is the core of Matchmaker. Analyze how the matchmaking logic can best enhance your game.


A player is a user trying to play a multiplayer game. Each player is represented by a unique ID.


A pool represents a dynamic separation of tickets within a queue. Each pool except the default pool contains a number of filters.

Quality of Service (QoS)

This represents the quality of the connection to different game servers. Specifically, the packet loss, latency, and an ID representing the region in which the game server resides.


A queue represents a predefined logical separation of matchmaking tickets within an environment. A queue has one or more pools.


Matchmaking rules determine how to logically pair tickets into matches when tickets are associated with a bucket.


A matchmaker ticket represents a player's (game client's) intent to find a match.