Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Fix scan-related model drift

To maintain the model’s alignment, you need good scan coverage. As you scan:

  • Move the device slowly as you move around the model.
  • Avoid covering the lens. This includes placing the lens face down or placing a cover over it. Covering the lens in any way causes model drift; the camera needs to ‘see’ the environment at all times and ‘blinding’ it will cause it to lose the model’s place.

Problem areas in the scan and failure to recognize objects can cause the model to drift. There are workarounds.

Cause of driftWorkaround

Holes in the overlay or specific locations where the model drifts

Affects: Any device

Scan areas with holes in the overlay mesh again moving the camera very slowly, especially over the holes. Try scanning from different angles.

Scanning recognizes the space as flat planes only and does not recognize objects in the space

Affects: Devices without LiDAR.

Why is this a problem? The model cannot be kept aligned.

Try walking around the space and scan again.

If the device still cannot recognize enough objects to keep the model aligned, replace the device.

Anchor locks are not consistently recognized

The device may not recognize the surface or object where an anchor lock was placed.

Affects: Devices without LiDAR.

Why is this a problem? The model cannot be aligned or alignment is not maintained.

In general, devices can recognize anchor locks placed on floors.

Try placing the model again to reset the anchor lock.

Rely on different placement options.