Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Alignment (two-point alignment)

Access the Model Alignment window from Model Tools.

The Alignment feature allows you to align your model with the site by defining two points in your model and two corresponding points on the site. The points are placed horizontally.

The Model Alignment window also includes:

  • Snapcan increase accuracy by automatically snapping your cursor to the vertices of objects in the model. On the site, it snaps your cursor to vertices in the scan mesh.
  • Reset to revert the model to its position before two-point alignment.
  • Lock Position to save the model's current alignment and scale.

Guidelines for accurate two-point alignment

  • Select points in the model, then select the corresponding points in the site.
  • The accuracy of the alignment depends on placing the points in the site exactly where you placed the points in the model. Use locations on a physical object that exist in the model and on the site, such as the corners of a column where it meets the floor. When adding the second point to define the model rotation, increasing the distance from the first point does not increase accuracy.
  • Stand near the points when placing them, and check that they're accurately placed from all angles.

Align the model using two-point alignment

  1. In the Model Tools window, airtap Alignment.
    The Model Alignment window opens.

  2. Airtap Start Alignment.

    • The Model Adjustment page opens on the main window.
      The page contains Overlay Reality settings. These tools are helpful for scanning and placement. You may need to scan to increase the density of the scan mesh to accurately place points on the site.
    • Depending on your version of HoloLens, a crosshair target or green ball appears on the tip of your cursor.
  3. Airtap the location in the model that you want to align with the site.

  4. Airtap a second point in the model a few feet away from the first. This establishes the rotation of the model.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, but this time airtap the corresponding points in the site:

    1. Airtap the point in the site to use for alignment.
    2. Airtap the point in the site that establishes the rotation.


Airtap to turn Snap on or off.

When you select the corner of an object in the model for alignment, this feature snaps your cursor to a vertex in the polygon that defines the corner. On the site, the cursor snaps to a vertex in the scan mesh triangles. If this becomes a problem, you can airtap the snap button again to turn off the snapping feature and manually place the point.

Recommended settings:

  • Turn snap on when selecting the points in the model.
  • Turn snap off when selecting the points in the site.


Tap Reset to revert the model to its position before two-point alignment.

Lock Position

You can lock the model's current alignment and scale, or you can continue making changes with Model Tools and lock the model's alignment and scale from the Model Tools window. For more information on lock creation and use, see Lock the model's position.

To lock the model's current alignment and scale:

  1. Tap Lock Position.
  1. Move the anchor to a location on the scan mesh near the location of your model adjustment.


    • To use the anchor later in your project, you must be able to physically locate yourself within 10 feet of the anchor.
    • An anchor must be at least 10 feet from any other anchor or any AR marker.
  2. Airtap the anchor to place it.

  3. Airtap Yes to confirm the placement.

    The anchor saves, and if you're online, uploads to the cloud.

  4. In online mode, a white cloud appears beside the lock after it uploads. In offline mode, an orange cloud with a strike through it appears beside a saved anchor.