
JavaScript Project


This document provides information on some advanced functionality for the use of JavaScript files for Cloud Code.

JavaScript projects for Cloud Code work by turning the Unity project into a NodeJS project. That is used as a bridge and allows us to control the editor that is being used for JavaScript.


In order to support more tooling for developers, we require devs to install NodeJS. This will allow support for AutoComplete and other expected features of a dev environment.

Navigate to Preferences > Cloud Code > Javascript development environment to validate that your NodeJS and NPM paths are properly set. You can verify that everything is working correctly by clicking the Initialize JS project button. Read more on how NodeJS works under the Structure section.


├── Assets
│   └── CloudCode
│       └── cloud_script.js
├── node_modules
├── package.json
└── package-lock.json

The root of the structure sits at the root of the Unity Project.

package.json stores the project configuration. This is used by JS editors and NPM. It operates similar to how CSProj is used by C# to define info for the editor. Note that these package.json files used within the JavaScript Project system are not Unity packages. They are NPM Packages. It is a coincidence that Unity and NodeJS use the same package management system under the hood.

package-lock.json is generated by npm and used for dependency resolution. It is recommended to keep this file in source control so that dependencies will always be resolved the same way.


The majority of autocomplete for JS is handled by the typings project. Any JavaScript file can be augmented using a .d.ts files to define the typed API. Most public JS libraries either include their own .d.ts files or have some defined within typings.

In order for an editor to enable autocomplete for a dependency, it needs to be able to locate the type definitions for the dependency. It does this by looking in node_modules. So in order to enable autocomplete you need to use the package.json to install the correct files to node_modules.


Authoring JS scripts from the editor supports bundling if you decide to opt in. JS scripts may refer to other local scripts or external modules when using the require or import keywords. The bundling process will use your script as input and send the bundled result to the Unity Dashboard when deploying from the editor. Your local files will not be modified by this process, but the result will be visible on the dashboard.

Activating JS Bundling

JS Bundling is opt-in and requires the correct definition in each script for which you want bundling to be done.

To opt-in a script for bundling, simply export the bundling value. The module.exports property must have been assigned before setting the parameters. By default, the script will not be bundled.


export const helloWorld = "Hello world!";


const lib = require("./lib.js");

module.exports = async ({ params, context, logger }) => {
    return {
    "value": lib.helloWorld

module.exports.bundling = true;

ES modules

The addition of bundling allows the use of ES Modules when authoring JS scripts from the editor. If you plan on using ES Modules to write your scripts, we recommend this signature to make the bundler result as lean as possible.


export const someNumber = 42;


import { someNumber } from './lib.js'

function handler(params, context, logger) {
    /*your Cloud Code function logic here*/
  return {
      'value': someNumber, /*example use of the someNumber from the lib.js script*/

handler.bundling = true

handler.params = {
  /*your params here*/

export default handler;

External Tools

External tools can be added by running the appropriate npm install ... command from within the JS project. The tools can then be setup normally following the official tool guidelines.


  • Run npm i -D eslint. This will add it to the project dependencies.
  • Create an .eslint.json file at the project root containing: json { "env": { "commonjs": true, "es2021": true }, "extends": "eslint:recommended", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 13 }, "rules": { } }
  • Configure your IDE to run eslint. This is automatic for VSCode but may need additional settings depending on the IDE.
  • Eslint should now be configured and working

To test that eslint is working, add some code that is valid but breaks the eslint:recommended ruleset. For example if (something == -0) should now show a eslint warning in your IDE.


Jest is a framework for JavaScript testing. This is one example of how you can create unit tests for your cloud code scripts.

Official website: https://jestjs.io/


  • Run npm install --save-dev jest. This will install the jest package.
  • Configure jest to run with .es10 scripts.
    • Add this code snippet to your package.json
    • The moduleFileExtensions entry will make js and es10 files valid for testing.
    • The testMatch entry will make files ending in .test.es10 valid as test files.
"jest": {
    "moduleFileExtensions": ["es10", "js"],
    "testMatch": ["**/*.test.es10"]


Here's a simple example for JS unit testing. We are returning an object and want to make sure the result in the test script is the same. More advanced options are available with mocking.

The script to be tested

Cloud code expects this signature.

module.exports = async ({ params, context, logger }) => {
  return {value: "1"};
The test script
const test = require("./jest_01.es10")
it("test",async () =>{
    expect(await test({})).toMatchObject({value:"1"});

Running your tests

Your tests can be run in command line with the following command npm run test