Update the Ads Mediation package

When Ads Mediation package updates are available, you can update the package directly in the Unity Editor Package Manager or through the LevelPlay Network Manager.

Update with the Package Manager

The Package Manager is the standard editor method for managing and updating packages. You can learn more about the Package Manager Window in the Editor Manual.

Use the following steps to update to the latest version of the Ads Mediation package using the Package Manager:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.
  2. In the Package Manager window, select Packages > Unity Registry.
  3. Select Ads Mediation from the list of packages, and then select Update.

Update with the LevelPlay Network Manager

Alternatively, you can update to the latest package version from the LevelPlay Network Manager. The Network Manager not only enables you to update the Ads Mediation package; you can also view and manage ironSource SDK and Ad Network adapters from this panel.

Use the following steps to update to the latest version of the Ads Mediation package using the LevelPlay Network Manager:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Ads Mediation > Network Manager.
  2. Select Update in the Unity Package section.

If you want to update the ironSource SDK (including both LevelPlay and the ironSource Ad Network), in the Network Manager, do the following:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Ads Mediation > Network Manager.
  2. Select Update in the ironSource SDK section.

Significant package updates

If your Ads Mediation package is in need of significant updates, you might need additional steps to ensure a smooth upgrade path. For example, if you are updating from v1.0.0 to v8.0.0, you will need to take additional steps when updating. For more information, refer to the Ads Mediation package description in the Unity Package Manager.