Types of integration

Unity supports two methods for integrating LevelPlay with the Unity Editor: the Ads Mediation package and the Unity Plugin. Refer to the following table to choose your integration method:

Integration MethodDescriptionNotes
Ads Mediation packageUse the Package Manager in the Unity Editor to install the Ads mediation package.
This method allows you to integrate and manage your LevelPlay integration from within the Editor.
For more information, refer to Integrate LevelPlay through the Ads Mediation package.
Unity PluginDownload the .unitypackage file (the Unity Plugin) from the ironSource Knowledge Center.
This is the original method for integrating the ironSource SDK.
For more information, refer to Unity plugin integration in the ironSource knowledge center.

Unity Ads Mediation package support

As of December 2022, the Ads Mediation package is available in the Unity Editor Package Manager for the following Editor versions:

  • 2021.3.10f1+
  • 2022.3.1.0a5+
  • 2023.2 (all)
  • 2023.3 (all)
  • 6000.0 (all)