Troubleshooting your LevelPlay integration

Note: Are you looking for the LevelPlay integration guide? Refer to Managing LevelPlay integration for instructions on how to set up LevelPlay mediation in the Unity Editor.

When you integrate LevelPlay with the Unity Editor you might experience some problems. Use this guide to troubleshoot the following types of issues:

Duplicated classes error message

You receive duplicated class error message CSO433 when trying to build or test your project. This error message will identify the class that has been duplicated and which assemblies it appears in. The following is an example of a duplicated class error message:

  • The type IronSourceMediationSettings exists in both Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null and 'Unity.LevelPlay, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The duplicated classes error has the following possible causes:

  • Updating the Ads Mediation package without removing the Unity Plugin
  • Updating the Unity Plugin without removing the Ads Mediation package
  • Significant Ads Mediation package updates

Refer to the following sections for descriptions and resolutions of these issues.

Updated the Ads Mediation package without removing the Unity Plugin

You updated to the latest version of Unity LevelPlay through the Ads Mediation package when the .unitypackage file (the Unity Plugin) was already installed.


Remove the .unitypackage file (the Unity Plugin) before installing or updating the Ads Mediation package. To remove the plugin, complete the following steps:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Assets.
  2. From Assets, do one of the following depending on what version of the IronSource SDK you’re using:
    • SDK v7.8.0 and earlier: Right-click IronSource > Delete.
    • SDK v8.0.0: Right-click LevelPlay > Delete.

Note: If you’re using Developer Settings, record any app keys or selections you’ve made in the Advanced Mediation Settings. You can re-enter these values after you’ve updated to the latest version of the ironSource SDK.

Updated the Unity Plugin without removing the Ads Mediation package

You updated to the latest version of Unity LevelPlay through the .unitypackage file when Ads Mediation was already installed.


Remove the Ads Mediation package before installing or updating the Unity Plugin. Use the following steps to remove the Ads Mediation package from the Unity Editor:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.
  2. In the Package Manager, select Packages > In Project.
  3. Select Ads Mediation > Remove.
  4. From your Project in the Unity Editor, go to Assets.
  5. From Assets, do one of the following depending on what version of the ironSource SDK you’re using:
    • SDK v7.8.0 and earlier: Right-click IronSource > Delete.
    • SDK v8.0.0: Right-click LevelPlay > Delete.
  6. If installed, right-click Mobile Dependency Resolver > Delete as well.

Significant Ads Mediation package updates

You updated the Ads Mediation package from an early version to a much later version.


If your Ads Mediation package is in need of significant updates, you might need additional steps to ensure a smooth upgrade path.

For example, if you are updating from v1.0.0 to v8.0.0, you'll need to take additional steps when updating. For more information, refer to the Ads Mediation package description in the Unity Package Manager.

Scripting Symbol can’t be removed from the ironSource SDK

You removed the LEVELPLAY_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED scripting symbol from the ironSource SDK, but it keeps automatically reappearing in the SDK.


When you remove the LEVELPLAY_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED scripting symbol from the SDK, the SDK will always re-add it automatically. As of version 8.0.0 of the ironSource SDK Unity Package, this scripting symbol is required.


This issue has no known solution because the scripting symbol is required for the ironSource SDK as of version 8.0.0. The symbol will always be re-added automatically if deleted.

Missing dependency class error message

You received a dependency class error message after installing the Ads Mediation package. The following messages are examples of possible missing dependency class warnings:

  • The type or namespace name Core does not exist in the namespace Unity.Services.
  • The type or namespace name Newtonsoft could not be found.
  • The type or namespace name EditorGameServiceFlagEnabler could not be found.


This can happen if the dependency from the ironSource SDK Unity package is removed or fails to install. If this dependency is missing, the console displays an error message identifying which dependency classes couldn’t be found.


There are two ways to resolve the missing dependency: by installing the Services Core package manually by name or by removing the LEVELPLAY_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED scripting symbol.

Install the Services Core package in Package Manager

To resolve the missing dependency, install the Services Core package in the Unity Package Manager by doing the following:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Window > Package Manager.
  2. In the Package Manager window, select the + icon to open the dropdown menu and select Install package by name... to enter the package name manually.
  3. Enter in the Name field and select Install.


You can also restore the Services Core package using the LEVELPLAY_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED scripting symbol. When removed, the scripting symbol is re-added automatically. As part of the re-installation process, the package is also reinstalled automatically. You can use this method if the editor doesn’t display the services core package.

To resolve the missing dependency, delete the LEVELPLAY_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED scripting symbol from the ironSource SDK Unity package, by doing the following:

  1. Open your project in the Unity Editor and go to Edit > Project Settings > Player.
  2. In the Other Settings panel, scroll down to Script Compilation.
  3. Select the minus symbol () to remove a symbol, and select LEVELPLAY_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLED.
  4. Select Apply to save your changes.