Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Evaluate scanning problems on your site

Devices can recognize objects in the environment within a 30-foot radius, however, there may be areas or items within the recognition radius that your device cannot scan or recognize. See the following workarounds.

Problem areas for scanning

Problem areaWorkaround
Very bright lights or very dark shadowsBefore scanning the environment, walk through the area and adjust the lighting. If you can’t change the lighting, avoid having bright lights or dark shadows within the recognition radius on screen.

Mirrors or shiny metals

Why is this a problem?
Mirrors or shiny metals cannot be scanned. Light reflected back to the camera can affect a larger area in the scan.

Avoid scanning mirrors or shiny metals. Avoid pointing the camera at these surfaces if they are within the recognition radius, especially while you're moving.
Highly waxed floorsPlace non-reflective objects, such as cardboard, cones, or pieces of equipment, on highly waxed floors.

Visually complex, repetitive areas like patches of grass

Why is this a problem?
These types of areas can cause part of the image to move as you move (also known as the “wormhole effect”).

Avoid pointing the camera at these areas when aligning the model. Avoid using these areas for alignment.
Outdoor areas without overhead structures to block the sunSet up something overhead, such as a tarp, to provide shade. Alternatively, avoid using these areas for alignment.

Inadequately scanned or empty areas can cause a model to drift out of alignment. For causes and workarounds, see Fix scan related model drift.