Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Make an initial site visit

To develop a dependable procedure for aligning your model, make an initial visit to scan the site. Environmental factors such as lighting conditions, distances, and physical structures can affect where you set any of the alignment options—AR markers, virtual reference points, or anchor locks—in the model. Scanning the site helps identify problem areas and areas that are suitable for alignment.

Scan the entire site

Your camera scans continually in the Hololens app.

Check for poor scan coverage by turning on Wireframe in the Model appearance controls. Poor scan coverage is indicated by holes in the scan mesh.

The characteristics of your site can affect scan coverage. See Evaluate scanning problems on your site.

Identify alignment locations

Look for locations where aligning the model is important for your goals for visualizing the model.

Use the information in the scan to decide on possible physical reference points. They should exist in the model and on the site. For example, if your device recognizes a wall or a steel beam, you can use either object as a location for alignment. If they are at least ten feet apart, you can use both.

Your device's camera must be able to scan the locations where you plan to align the model. An area that cannot be scanned or an object that is not recognized cannot be used for alignment.

Identify alignment locations, where, for the most typical or useful views, the camera is not pointed directly at an unscannable area.