Attention: Unity Reflect is deprecated, and is no longer available from December 2024. Unity no longer provides support for Reflect. The Unity Cloud Reference Project has replaced Reflect Develop.

Using Reflect on the Quest 2

Reflect controls

A:GeneralOpens the General sub-menu (F-I).
B:SceneOpens the Scene sub-menu (J-L).
C:ToolboxOpens the Toolbox sub-menu (M-N).
D:ParticipantsShows the Participants menu.
E:MicrophoneTurns the microphone on or off.

F:ProjectsOpens the Projects menu.
G:SyncEnables or disables syncing.
H:Log outLogs out of Reflect.
I:AccountOpens the Account menu; lets you change your avatar.
J:BIM informationLets you see BIM metadata or isolate objects.
K:FiltersShows or hides different metadata categories.
L:Scene settingsLets you turn textures on or off.
M:Measure toolEnables the Measure tool.
N:Annotations toolEnables Annotation Mode.

Quest controls

When you have a model open, you can move around it using the Quest controllers.

Fly freely

While using the left controller, you change the direction you move by changing the direction of your head. 


Fly around

Left thumbstick

Fly up/down

Left buttons

Fly faster

Left trigger while flying



Scale up

Hold left grip + left trigger and right grip + right trigger, then move hands outwards.

Scale down

Hold left grip + left trigger and right grip + right trigger, then move hands inwards.

Move in increments

The right controller lets you move step by step, which may alleviate motion sickness that some users experience in VR.



Right thumbstick up to start; rotate thumbstick to orientate and release to teleport.
RotateRight thumbstick to snap turn 45 degrees.

Step backward

Right thumbstick down. 



Reset view

Primary button of right controller (A)

Move model

Grip buttons


Press both grip buttons and move controllers nearer or farther from each other.

Rotate model

Press both grip buttons and turn controllers around each other.
Reset scale to 1xPress both grip buttons at the same time + primary button of left controller (X)
Undo last scale and rotationPress both grip buttons at the same time + secondary button of left controller (Y)