Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Fix model drift

As you walk around the model, it may drift out of alignment.

It's not necessary to align the model from every possible viewing position. Choose the locations in the model that are meaningful to your viewers and set new alignment points or markers so that the model is aligned when viewing those locations.

You can fix drift at the places it occurs using the following methods:

  • Scan the area carefully. Additional scanning can increase the density of the scan mesh. Address environmental factors that may be affecting scanning and object recognition.
  • Bring the model into alignment using the tools in the Model Tools. You can then create anchor locks where you have manually aligned the model. The model pops into alignment as the viewer moves towards each anchor. See Lock the model's position.
  • Add additional AR markers in the VisualLive plug-in. Print the markers and place the printed markers on site. Load and place the model in VisualLive for HoloLens. See Scan additional AR markers to use the new markers to align the model.
  • There is a limit to the alignment information that can be kept in memory. This can cause an aligned model to drift out of alignment beyond a certain (considerable) distance. When this occurs, align the model and add an anchor lock, or if there is an AR marker in the vicinity, scan it and save the alignment.

Note: Anchor locks and AR markers should not be set within 10 feet of each other. If they are closer, they compete for priority and the model may move erratically as the viewer moves.