Dashboard user roles and permissions

Successfully running, monetizing, and growing an app often requires the efforts of a diverse team. This team usually includes individuals specialized in managing, optimizing, and scaling various aspects of the app's performance and profitability.

In the Unity Ads Monetization dashboard, each person has a different user role with corresponding permissions to allow them to complete their tasks as needed to ensure efficient management and optimization of ad monetization, user acquisition, running campaigns, and more

MemberResponsibilitiesRole access
AdministratorsOversee the entire project, have full access to all features including user management and financial settingsOrganization level
Monetization managersManage ad placements, revenue data, and revenue optimization strategiesProject level
Marketing managersFocus on promotional campaigns, targeting, and user engagementProject level
PublishersPrimarily handle app integrations, ad placements, and performance trackingOrganization level

The Organization Owner is responsible for adding members to an organization or project, assigning permission-based roles, and managing the members list for access to the Monetization dashboard. Refer to Manage Unity Cloud projects in the Unity Cloud documentation for step-by-step instructions on how to add, assign, and manage members and their roles in the Monetization dashboard.

User types and roles define permissions for a member, the level of access they have to features on the Monetization dashboard, and define the actions they can perform at the project level or organization level of an app. Refer to User types and roles for more information about the differences in Organization level access and Project level access.