New in Eddy 3.0ΒΆ

Eddy 3.0 improvements are focused on a new rendering core, incorporating the same fast volume integrators into a general purpose renderer. In addition to volumes, Eddy can now render meshes directly, opening up many new features:

  • Shadow collecting objects and Arbitrary Output Variables (AOVs) are supported.

  • Reflection collectors and AOVs are supported.

  • Multiple volumes can be rendered at once, each with their own shaders, and overlapping volumes are fully supported.

  • Mesh-based area lights are supported.

  • Motion vector AOVs are supported.

  • Volumes with more than one phase function are now supported. Built-in shaders for dual scattering functions are supplied. Shader networks can be used for more than two phase functions.

  • Shader network systems are supported.

  • There is an expanded built-in AOV list to include surfaces and other combinations.

  • There are new utility AOVs: position, normal, velocity, depth, id, ray/sample counts.

  • Light path expressions for fully general AOVs are supported.

  • SDF surface rendering is supported.

  • Eddy has improved adaptive rendering quality.

  • There is improved sampling for lights when used with highly directional phase functions.

  • Clamping can now clamp direct and indirect samples separately, reducing noise.

  • There is a new deep sample generation algorithm.

  • Pixel filters can now be specified: Gaussian, Blackman-Harris, etc.

  • Built-in surface materials include diffuse, glass, plastic, metal.

  • Microfacet reflection and refraction shaders are supported.

  • Volumes inside meshes, either as a clipping mesh or as the internal medium are supported.

  • There are new ray visibility flags.

  • Sample counts can be specified separately for direct and indirect lighting, or for volumes and surfaces.

  • Directional falloff for quad and mesh lights is supported.

  • RTX acceleration is supported (applies to meshes only, not volumes)