
Eddy comes with several gizmos that can be used as a starting point for your Nuke setup. You can find them by accessing the gizmos section in the Eddy context menu.


These gizmos are not fully exhaustive and can easily be upgraded by converting them to Group, if you want to extend them.


Apply boolean operations on your input scalar fields (similar to CSG operation)


  • Mode: Standard boolean opeation to apply on your input fields (Union, Intersection, Subtraction).

  • Smoothing Weight: Smooth the transition between the two scalar fields.


Gives you more control over your scalar field, such as Deform and Noise Mask. This gizmo is useful to add extra details before sending the field to the solver.


  • Enable Noise Deform: Using an E_Trace node, this will displace your scalar field.

  • Enable Noise Mask: This will mask out your scalar field by a Noise mask (E_PerlinNoise -> E_Mask).

  • Enable Remap Value: Remap the input/output values of the scalar field.


Generate a Wind Vector field by specifying its direction, adding some noise, and masking it out which creates some wind gaps.


This gizmo is used internally by some of the other gizmos.


  • Direction settings: Set the Wind direction and factor.

  • Noise Settings: Add some noise on top of the directional field.


Enable/disable some point/quad lights (Key, Rim, Back) and environment light (using envmap as input). This gizmo is handy to provide different light rigs using Nuke Preset system.


Wrap all the necessary E_Particle nodes to generate a particle simulation.


  • Default Settings: Controls emission rate and some random attributes such as radius, age, fuel, and temperature.

  • Forces: Mainly gravity force and settings from E_WindGizmo.

  • Emitter: Emitter shape and mask. You can specify yours using the input “source”.

  • Collider: Particle collider settings (E_ParticleCollision).

  • Cache: Cache settings (E_ParticleCache).


Smoke simulation from Particle input. This node expects a Particle object coming from E_ParticleSimulation.


  • Particle Emission: Modify scalar/vector fields (coming from the particles) injected into the solver.

  • Wind Emission: Modify vector fields injected into the solver (E_WindGizmo).

  • Solver: Solver settings (same as E_Element “Smoke - Sparse”).

  • Cache: Cache settings (E_Cache)


Fire simulation (combustion) from Particle input. This node expects a Particle object coming from E_ParticleSimulation.


  • Particle Emission: Modify scalar/vector fields (coming from the particles) injected into the solver.

  • Wind Emission: Modify vector fields injected into the solver (E_WindGizmo).

  • Solver: Solver settings (same as E_Element “CombustionSparse”).

  • Cache: Cache settings (E_Cache)


E_FireSimulation and E_SmokeSimulation are similar. The main difference between the two is that E_SmokeSimulation does not take into account “fuel” and “temperature” from the particles.