Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Mapping Area dialog

The Mapping Area dialog may appear if AR mode has not been used recently. It provides information on the quality of the scan.

  • Radial load bar

    When the load bar reaches 100%, the camera has the minimum information required to place the model. Continue to scan your entire site.

  • Scanned area

    (Shown in square meters and square feet.)
    Indicates the size of the area in the site that has been scanned.

  • Points

    On a device without LiDAR, white dots, called feature points, appear where the camera “sees” something. This dialog reports the number of feature points that are visible on your screen. A well scanned area will have many points (200 or more). Avoid using locations on the site with few points for aligning the model.

  • Place Model button

    Enabled when the camera has captured the minimum information needed to place the model. When you have good coverage of your site, ideally, when the scan mesh covers the entire site, tap the button to place the model.