Configure the server (version 2.0 or later)

Configuring the server is part of the end-to-end process for setting up the Unity Licensing Server.

This page applies to version 2.x of the licensing server. If you're configuring version 1.x, go to Configure the licensing server (Version 1.x).

Configuration overview

You'll follow two procedures to configure your licensing server.

  • In the first procedure, you'll run the setup command on your licensing server. The setup command creates three files:

    • The licensing server configuration file (licensing-server-config.json), which stores the licensing server configuration parameters you specify. If you reconfigure the server, the setup command reads this file and loads the stored configuration parameters as default values.
    • The services configuration file (services-config.json), which you'll deploy to all client computers after you configure the server or reconfigure it.
    • The server registration request file (server-registration-request.xml), which contains machine binding information from the server. You'll upload this file in the second procedure, to register the server.
  • In the second procedure, you'll register the server and manage seats on the Unity ID portal. You'll register the server by uploading the XML file that was generated by the setup command. This file includes the following information:

    "FirstPhysicalAddress"The server's MAC address
    "Platform"The server's operating system
    "ProcessorCount"The number of processor cores on the server
    "MachineName"The name of the server

Before you begin

Make sure you prepare the following:

  • Download the server setup file.

  • Decide which protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) your licensing server will use.

  • If you use the HTTPS protocol, make sure you have a server certificate in the Personal Information Exchange Format (.pfx) format.

    Unity doesn't provide this certificate. It's the responsibility of your IT team to manage this certificate and ensure it's accepted on users' computers.

  • Configure the firewall for your network interface to allow Unity.Licensing.Client to get a license.

  • Determine which port to use to allow client connections. Make sure that the port you choose isn't already used by another application. If you run the setup command and choose a port that isn't free, you have to restart the setup again from the beginning and select a different port.

Run the setup command

Follow these steps to start the interactive setup from the command line:

  1. Run the command that matches your operating system:

    • Linux: Open the Linux Terminal and run:
      sudo ./Unity.Licensing.Server setup
    • Windows: Open the Windows PowerShell as administrator and run:
      .\Unity.Licensing.Server.exe setup

    A welcome message appears in the Terminal or PowerShell window:

    Welcome to Unity Licensing Server setup command line interface.
    This setup will help you configure your license server 
    and generate server registration request file.
    Enter the server name (e.g. LicenseServer):  [DESKTOP] TestServer
  2. Enter a name for your server.

  3. Set which protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) your licensing server will use:

    Do you want the licensing server to use HTTPS? [Y/n]
    Enter path to the certificate PFX file (Press Enter to skip):
    Enter the PFX password for "httpscertificate.pfx":
    • If you don't have a server certificate and want to skip this step, enter n.
    • If you have a server certificate, enter y, and then set the path and password of the .pfx file where indicated.
  4. Enter the index number of the network interface where the licensing server will provide service:

    List of available network interfaces on this host
    - [1] en0 (8C:85:90:CA:72:DC)
    - [2] gpd0 (02:50:41:00:01:01) 10.1.4   2228
    Enter the index number of the network interface which server will operate on:

    This interface should have its firewalls configured so that the Unity Licensing Client can communicate to get a license.

  5. Enter the port number where you want the clients to connect. To avoid port conflicts, use a port outside the known range, specifying a four-digit or five-digit number:

    Enter server's listening port number (between 0 and 65535):  [80]

    If the port you choose is already used by another application and the server fails to launch, run the setup command again from the beginning and select a different port.

  6. Configure administrator access.

  • The licensing server can limit administrator access to the Licensing Server Dashboard and the admin API endpoints. These tools contain detailed server information and are useful for diagnosing and troubleshooting common configuration problems.

  • Configure administrator access by setting a password for the admin username. Remember this password. All users who want access to administrator tools will use these credentials.

    Credentials are required to access the administration dashboard and API.
    The administrator username is "admin".
    Create a password for "admin" (8-12 characters):  ********
    Confirm the password for "admin":  ********

Review the console output and take note of the location of the server-registration-request.xml. You need this file for the next task, Register the server and manage seats, described later on this page.

Sample output

When the setup successfully completes, the Terminal or PowerShell window displays output like the following:

Generating signing key... Done

Generating server configuration ...Done
Generating services configuration ...Done
Reloading configuration... Done
Generating server registration request file... Done
Setting up file permissions... Done

- - - -
Setup Completed!
- - - -

> Server Registration Request
Please go to Unity ID portal -> Organizations -> [Organization Name] -> 
Subscriptions & Services -> [Floating Subscription] -> Configure License 
Server, upload server-registration-request.xml, and follow the 
instructions to receive a compressed license archive file.

File to upload:

> Services Configuration File
Generated services-config.json file must be copied to the following location
on all end user computer in order to enable floating licensing:
  - Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\Unity\config\
  - MacOS:  /Library/Application Support/Unity/config/
  - Linux:  /usr/share/unity3d/config/

File to copy:

WARNING: Please make sure to backup the following directory as it contains
essential data for operating the licensing server:
  ... [Path varies by server version and operating system]

Register the server and manage seats

Registering the licensing server on the Unity ID portal is a one-time operation.

Follow these steps to register the server and manage seats:

  1. Go to the Unity ID portal (

  2. Select Organizations and select your organization.

  3. Select Subscriptions & Services and select your floating license subscription.

  4. Select Configure License Server.

  5. Select Upload server registration and upload the server-registration-request.xml file generated by the setup.

  6. Select Licenses in the left panel and expand the server you just registered, to view how many seats are assigned, if any.

  7. If you haven't assigned seats to this license yet, or if you want to add more seats, select Manage seats. Enter a value and select Save.

The initial configuration of the server is now complete.

Next steps

Proceed to downloading and importing the license archive file to continue setting up your licensing server.