Setting up a service for the licensing server

This task is part of the end-to-end process for setting up the Unity Licensing Server.

After you have tested the licensing server, you can set up a service to automatically start the licensing server on startup. You can also manually pause, stop, and restart the process.

Although optional, setting up a service to run the licensing server process is a recommended best practice.

After you set up this service, be sure to back up the licensing server configuration. Refer to Backing up and restoring.

Creating a service

For version 2.x, use an account that's a member of the unity-licensing-server group, which the server setup created the first time it ran.

For version 1.x, use the same service account that you used to set up the server and import the license archive file.

Before you begin, if you're creating a service for Licensing Server 2.x, you need to decide which of the following account types will run your service:

  • NetworkService Account runs the service with limited privileges on the local system.
  • User Account runs the service as a specified local or domain user.

To create a service for stopping and starting the licensing server, follow the instructions based on your operating system:

Creating a service on Linux

The create-service command does the following:

  • Creates a systemd service unit called unity.licensing.server.service.
  • Configures the service to run under the current non-root user account.
  • Configures the service to start automatically on startup.
  • Starts the service.

If the port you choose is already used by another application and the server fails to launch, run the setup command again from the beginning and select a different port.

The create-service command requires administrator privileges. Make sure to run this command with elevated privileges by entering sudo in the Terminal.

  1. To create the service, run the following command:

    sudo ./Unity.Licensing.Server create-service

    Output similar to the following displays (based on a version 2.0 server):

    - - - -
    Welcome to Unity Licensing Server create service command line interface.
    This command line interface will assist you in creating the Unity.Licensing.Server service.
    - - - -
    Creating service for user 'adminuser' ...
    Setting permissions on service file ... Done
    Enabling service to start automatically after (re)boot ... Done
    Starting service ... Done
    unity.licensing.server.service has been successfully created and running.
  2. To check the status of the service, run the following command:

    sudo systemctl status unity.licensing.server.service

    Look for Active: active running in the output in the Terminal:

Creating a service on Windows

The create-service command requires administrator privileges. Before you start, make sure you start the PowerShell window with elevated privileges.

For Licensing Server version 1.x, the account's password must not be blank.

  1. Give the user the right to log on as a service. To assign this right:

    • Search for Local Security Policy in Windows Search and open the policy editor.

    • In the left menu, navigate to Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment and select Log on as service.

    • Click Add User or Group.

    • Type the user name in the text box and click Check Names > OK.

    • Click OK.

  2. To create the service, start the PowerShell window with elevated privileges and run the following command:

    .\Unity.Licensing.Server.exe create-service
  3. Enter the password for the account that will be used to run the service. For Licensing Server 2.x, providing a password is necessary only if you choose the [2] User Account option.

    The create-service command returns output similar to the following (based on a version 2.0 server):

    - - - -
    Welcome to the Unity Licensing Server create service command-line interface.
    This command-line interface will assist you in creating the Unity.Licensing.Server service.
    - - - -
    Choose the Service Account Type for Installation:
    - [1] Network Service Account - Runs the service with limited privileges 
          on the local system.
    - [2] User Account - Runs the service as a specified local or domain user.
    Select an option: [1]
    Windows service installation successful!
    Service Name = Unity.Licensing.Server
    Description = The Unity Licensing Server is a secure web server to 
                  host and manage Unity licenses on your local network.
  4. To check the status of the service, run the following command:

    sc.exe query Unity.Licensing.Server

    Look for the STATE information in the output in the PowerShell window:

    SERVICE_NAME: Unity.Licensing.Server
            TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
            STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                    (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
            WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
            SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
            CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
            WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

If the STATE value shows anything other than 4 RUNNING, open Windows Services and look for the Unity.Licensing.Server service to manage it.

Restarting the service

You can stop or restart the licensing server service using standard operating system commands.

If the port you choose is already used by another application and the server fails to launch, run the setup command again from the beginning and select a different port. This operation interrupts the licensing server's availability. Make sure you perform this operation when traffic is typically low or during your organization's maintenance period.

Follow the instructions based on your operating system:

Restarting the service on Linux

  1. Run the following command to start or restart the licensing server service:

    sudo systemctl restart unity.licensing.server.service
  2. Run the following command to verify that the service is running:

    sudo systemctl status unity.licensing.server.service | grep Active

    If the service is running, the output from the previous command is similar to the following:

    Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-02-14 16:44:59 EST; 2s ago

Restarting the service on Windows

  1. Run the following command to start or restart the licensing server service:

    sc.exe query Unity.Licensing.Server | findstr /i State
  2. If the output lists STATE: 4 RUNNING, run the following command to stop the service:

    sc.exe stop Unity.Licensing.Server
  3. If the output lists STATE: 1 STOPPED, run the following command to restart the service:

    sc.exe start Unity.Licensing.Server
  4. To check the state of the service again, run the following command:

    sc.exe query Unity.Licensing.Server | findstr /i State

When the output shows STATE: 4 RUNNING, you have successfully restarted the service.

Deleting the service

If you need to delete the licensing server service, follow the instructions based on your operating system:

Deleting the service on Linux

To delete the licensing server service:

  1. Run the following command to stop the service:

    sudo systemctl stop unity.licensing.server.service
  2. Run the following command to disable the service and prevent it from running on the next startup:

    sudo systemctl disable unity.licensing.server.service
  3. Run the following command to verify that you disabled the service:

    sudo systemctl status unity.licensing.server.service | grep Loaded

    If the service is disabled, the output from the previous command is similar to the following:

    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/unity.licensing.server.service; **disabled**; vendor preset: enabled)
  4. Run the following command to delete the service unit:

    sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/unity.licensing.server.service
  5. Run the following command to reflect the change:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Deleting the service on Windows

To delete the licensing server service:

  1. Run the following command to stop the service:

    sc.exe stop Unity.Licensing.Server
  2. Run the following command to check the server status:

    sc.exe query Unity.Licensing.Server | findstr /i State
  3. If the output lists STATE: 1 STOPPED, run the following command to delete the service:

    sc.exe delete Unity.Licensing.Server

    The following message displays after you delete the service:

    [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS

Next steps

Proceed to backing up and restoring to continue setting up your licensing server.