Backing up and restoring

This task is part of the end-to-end process for setting up the Unity Licensing Server.

After you've set up a service for the licensing server and the server is successfully running, back up your server configuration files, in case you need to restore the server.

Without a backup, you might not be able to restore configuration files if they become damaged or corrupted.

Backing up the server configuration

To back up the existing configuration of the server, save a copy of the LicensingServer folder in a safe location. The location of the the LicensingServer folder varies, based on your operating system and server version. Check the "Licensing server data root directory" path for your operating system and server version in Server paths.

Restoring the server configuration

To restore the server configuration from the backup, replace the LicensingServer folder with the version you backed up.

Next steps

The setup of your Unity Licensing Server is complete. You can now do these follow-up tasks: