Troubleshooting the client


A client computer generates several log files that you can use to diagnose floating licensing problems. The tables below list the locations of different types of logs.

Log paths on Windows

Log typeFile path
Unity Editor%LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
Licensing Client%LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Unity.Licensing.Client.log
Licensing Audits%LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Unity.Entitlements.Audit.log
Unity Hub%APPDATA%\UnityHub\logs\info-log.json

Log paths on macOS

Log typeFile path
Unity Editor~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
Licensing Client~/Library/Logs/Unity/Unity.Licensing.Client.log
Licensing Audits~/Library/Logs/Unity/Unity.Entitlements.Audit.log
Unity Hub~/Library/Application\ Support/UnityHub/logs/info-log.json

Log paths on Linux

Log typeFile path
Unity Editor~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log
Licensing Client~/.config/unity3d/Unity/Unity.Licensing.Client.log
Licensing Audits~/.config/unity3d/Unity/Unity.Entitlements.Audit.log
Unity Hub~/.config/UnityHub/logs/info-log.json

Licensing client exit codes

The Licensing Client exit codes indicate successful or failed execution of a command. You can use these exit codes in CLI scripts to control execution flow.

Exit codeStatus
1Invalid arguments
2Invalid credentials
3Organization ID is missing
4Package Access Control List file download failed
5Context initialization failed
6Replication service initialization failed
7Orchestrator initialization failed
8Floating service initialization failed
9Package service initialization failed
10Access token initialization failed
11Multi client pipe server start failed
12License activation generation failed
13Syncing entitlements failed
14No valid entitlement found
15License update failed
16Unable to get list of user seats
17Seat activation or deactivation failed
18Getting entitlements failed
19Acquiring license failed
20Renewing floating lease failed
21Returning floating lease failed
1000Unknown error

Additional resources