Downloading and importing the license archive file

This task is part of the end-to-end process for setting up the Unity Licensing Server.

After you’ve configured the licensing server, run the import command to:

  • Import the license archive file.
  • Store the server license file in the current user's platform-specific directory for the licensing server.
  • Move the signing delegation files to the platform-specific directory.
  • Set the license signing certificate password in the licensing-server-config.json file.

For version 2.x, complete each of the following steps (and future maintenance tasks) using an account that's a member of the unity-licensing-server group, which the server setup created the first time it ran.

For version 1.x, use the same service account that you used to set up the server to complete each of the following steps now and for any future maintenance or updates.

For information on the locations of the licensing server files and directories, refer to Server paths.

Follow these steps to download the license archive file and run the import command:

  1. Go to the Unity ID portal (

  2. Select Organizations and select the organization that has your floating license subscription.

  3. Select Subscriptions & Services from the side panel, and select your floating license subscription.

  4. Select Configure License Server.

  5. Select Download licenses. If this button is disabled, make sure you assigned seats, as described in Register the server and manage seats.

  6. Download the .zip file to a directory of your choosing. Take note of the .zip file's location, which you will need in a following step.

    Do not unzip the archive file.

  7. From the Linux Terminal or the Windows PowerShell, run the command that matches your operating system to import the archive:

    • Linux: ./Unity.Licensing.Server import <filepath-to-downloaded-archive>

    • Windows: .\Unity.Licensing.Server.exe import <filepath-to-downloaded-archive>

    <filepath-to-downloaded-archive> is the full path to the license archive .zip file that you downloaded in a previous step. This path includes the .zip file name.

    A list of all available toolsets for this licensing server appears in the Terminal or PowerShell window:

    Extracting files...Done
    Validating archive content...Done
            LSD type import detected
    Importing server license files...Done
    Importing delegation file...Done
    List of available toolsets on this server
      - [1] LicenseServer_3573461705080_1 [Unity Enterprise for Games(Floating)]
    Enter the index number of the toolset that should be used by default: 1
  8. Enter the toolset ID you want to set as the default. For more information about toolsets, refer to Advanced Server Configuration.

    The import command writes the selected toolset ID to the licensing-server-config.json file and displays the following message in the Terminal or PowerShell window:

    Successfully imported licensing files. You may run the server.
    Please note that if the server is already running, you will have to restart it.
  9. Restart the server to reload the new license configuration files.

    If the licensing server is running as a service, follow the instructions, Restarting the service.

Next steps

Proceed to testing the licensing server to continue setting up your licensing server.