Attention moderation status

The Attention status means the creative pack has been accepted in moderation but seems to be accumulating impressions quite slowly. This is not necessarily negative, but this creative pack might benefit from a little extra attention.

Check the number and quality of installs this creative is bringing you; maybe this creative pack finds the best quality of users, but there just aren't that many of them. If you're happy with the exposure and results you're getting, you don't need to do anything about this creative pack. Let it run normally.

If you want to give this creative pack a boost, you can try some of the following:

  • Try increasing the CPI of this campaign. Note that this affects all creative packs in this campaign, so if you have other creative packs in the campaign and they are doing well, this might just increase your overall spending.
  • Move this creative pack to a different campaign so you can set a higher CPI and/or lower cost target audience.
  • Try some other creatives in this campaign. The creative pack may not be engaging enough for the audience of the campaign to gain impressions with the chosen CPI. For more information, review the video advertising best practices guide.

If none of the above brings you the results you're hoping for, consider stopping the creative in this campaign. Note that the creative pack might be performing well in other campaigns, so deleting it completely might not be the best option.

Other important tips:

  • If the creative pack is in an Audience Pinpointer ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) campaign, the chosen Return on Ad Spend goal might be too high or the maximum bid might be too low for the creative pack to accumulate more starts. Try adjusting your ROAS goals and bids to test if you get more starts.
  • If the creative pack is in an Audience Pinpointer Retention campaign, the base bid or maximum bid might be too low. Try a higher bid.

For any further questions, contact your Client Partner Performance Ads (CPPA) representative or Support.

Next: Review the Rejected moderation status.