Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Manage uploaded models

Set properties

Note: You must connect your account to a cloud service before using the property feature. This requires a Pro license.

Add or change properties

The first time you export a model from Navisworks or Revit, VisualLive creates an Excel spreadsheet and uploads it to your primary cloud service. Once this spreadsheet is created, you can manually change any of its values.

To add a property:

  1. Locate the properties file in your cloud storage.

    Open the file in Excel or a compatible editor.

    Note: You cannot make changes to the properties file from inside Navisworks or Revit.

  2. Add a new column to the spreadsheet and enter your information.

    Whatever you name the column in row A becomes the property title of any information below it. You can enter any type of information in the spreadsheet: for example, you can link to videos or manuals and then access these links from inside the mobile application.

  3. Save the spreadsheet. When your cloud service saves the new properties, the model is updated in VisualLive. 

Note: If you have a model open while editing its properties file, you may need to reload the model to see your changes.

Reload model

To reload the VisualLive model open in the plug-in, click the reload icon.

Note: This also loads any changes made in the properties file.

Open an uploaded model in the plug-in

To open a different VisualLive model in the plug-in, click Select Model....

In the pop-up window, select the model you want to switch to and then click **Select Model **to confirm your choice.

To print the AR markers placed in an uploaded model:

  1. Open the model in the plug-in and click the printer icon.


    Note: **You can also print AR markers from the web portal.

  2. Print at 100% scale, then cut along the black outline. Each marker should measure 4.25 inches by 5.5 inches when cut out.

  3. Place your markers in the corresponding locations on the physical site.

Remove a model from VisualLive

To remove a model from VisualLive, open the plug-in and click Select Model....

From the model drop-down list, select the model you want to delete and click the trash can icon.

When prompted, confirm that you've selected the right project and click Yes.

Note: You can also delete a model from the web portal.

Add or change properties 

Note: You must connect your account to a cloud service before using the property feature. This requires a Pro license.

When you push properties from Navisworks or Revit, VisualLive creates an Excel spreadsheet and uploads it to your primary cloud service. Once this spreadsheet is created, you can manually change any of its values.

To add a property:

  1. Locate the properties file in your cloud storage.

    Open the file in Excel or a compatible editor.

    Note: You cannot make changes to the properties file from inside Navisworks or Revit.

  2. Add a new column to the spreadsheet and enter your information.

    Whatever you name the column in row A becomes the property title of any information below it. You can enter any type of information in the spreadsheet: for example, you can link to videos or manuals and then access these links from inside the mobile application.

  3. Save the spreadsheet. When your cloud service saves the new properties, the model is updated in VisualLive. 

Note: If you have a model open while editing its properties file, you may need to reload the model to see your changes.