Attention: VisualLive is not available for purchase on after May 1, 2023, and can only be purchased through a Unity client partner until June 30, 2023. Maintenance support as outlined in the terms of service ends either May 1, 2024 or one year after purchase; with no new features added and only minor bug fixes supported.

Find your way around

VisualLive for Mobile opens in Navigate mode.

VisualLive menu provides access to the following:

  • Online or offline status. In offline mode, tracks time remaining in offline session.

  • Bug Report. Opens a form to submit a bug report.

  • Reset. Closes the current scene. "Scene" refers to the currently loaded model.

  • Switch user. Opens the Login page.

  • Logout. Logs out the current user and exits the application.

Load. Opens the File Browser window.
Scan. Use to scan an AR marker.
Mode slider. Switch between Navigate mode and AR mode.
Minimap. (Navigate mode only.)
Hierarchy. List of all objects in your model and allows you to show/hide object(s).
Camera options. First person (camera), third person (avatar), and reset camera position. (Navigate mode only.)

Files. Select the type of files to display in the File Browser:

  • Model. Model files, see supported types.

  • Designs. Not currently supported.

  • Workspaces. Currently unavailable.

Cloud tab. Lists all model files currently available from the cloud. Does not include archived models.
Synced tab. Lists model files downloaded to the device.

IP. Gets the IP address of the device. Used for the Push to Device feature of the VisualLive plug-in.

 Sync. Downloads models to the device.
 Load. Loads the selected model.

Application features. Settings controls depend on whether Navigate mode or AR mode is active. All other features are the same for both modes.