Playable and interactive ads

Playable ads are the second-most popular type of ad shown on Unity Exchange. Because all Unity inventory is mobile in-app projects, the majority of it supports playable ads.


Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions (MRAID) is the common API for mobile rich media ads that run in mobile apps. MRAID provides a way for ad developers to design interactive ads that work in MRAID-compliant systems, using common code. MRAID controls how ads interact in the apps where they appear.

Identification and initialization

To ensure your ads are compatible with the Unity MRAID interface:

  • Identify them as being MRAID compliant by including an MRAID script tag (<script src=”mraid.js”></script>) as early as possible in the ad's code, before referencing any MRAID functions.
  • Use the addEventListener function to detect when the MRAID state changes from "loading" to "ready".
  • Use the getState method to verify a "ready" state before showing the ad. This prevents timing issues, such as the ready event firing before the ad has been registered.
function showMyAd() {
   // Ad content

if (mraid.getState() === ‘loading’) {
   mraid.addEventListener(‘ready’, showMyAd);
} else {

Access the MRAID_ENV object to verify any additional information you need before initialization. This variable is attached to the window object and contains the following attributes:

versionstring"3.0"The version of the implemented MRAID interface.
sdkstring"The Unity Ads SDK"The name of the SDK running the webview.
sdkVersionstring"4.0"The version of the SDK running the webview.
appIdstring""The package name or application ID of the app running the ad.
limitAdTrackingbooleantruetrue indicates that Limit Ad Tracking is active, and false indicates that it is not.
coppabooleantruetrue indicates that the app is directed at children, and false indicates that it is not.

Note: Unity does not support the ifa attribute.

For more information on how to identify and initialize MRAID functionality, refer to the IAB documentation.


Ads must register event listeners to receive any of the following events. For more information, refer to the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods.


This event triggers whenever the host cannot execute a function called by the ad.

error(message: string, action: string): void

messagestringA description of the error.
actionstringThe name of the MRAID action called when the error triggered.


This event triggers when initialization completes.



This event triggers whenever the ad container dimensions change (for example, as a response to device orientation changes).

sizeChange(width: number, height: number)

widthnumberThe width of the new view.
heightnumberThe height of the new view.


This event triggers whenever the state of the ad container changes.

stateChange(state: string)

statestringAn indication of the ad container’s state. This can be "loading", "default", or "hidden".


This event triggers whenever there is a change in the exposure of the ad. Examples include when:

  • The ad displays.
  • The ad closes.
  • The application has a foreground or background.
  • The ad container’s exposure is altered (for example, the user opens the privacy settings).

exposureChange(exposedPercentage: number, visibleRectangle: Rectangle | null, occlusionRectangles: Rectangle[] | null)

exposedPercentagenumberThe percentage of the ad that is visible on the screen (between 0.0 and 100.0).
visibleRectangleRectangleThe visible portion of the ad container, formatted as {x, y, width, height}. Returns null if nothing is visible.
occlusionRectanglesRectangle arrayAn array of rectangles describing any sections of the visibleRectangle that are not visible, or null if the entire rectangle is visible. Each occlusion rectangle in the array is formatted as {x, y, width, height}.


This event triggers whenever the device’s volume changes.

audioVolumeChange(volumePercentage: number): void

volumePercentagenumberThe percentage of maximum volume set on the device (between 0.0 and 100.0).

viewableChange (deprecated)

Important: This event has been deprecated in MRAID 3.0. However, Unity still supports it to maintain backward compatibility.

This event triggers whenever there is a change in the viewability of the ad. Examples include when:

  • The ad displays.
  • The ad closes.
  • The application has a foreground or background.

viewableChange(viewable: boolean): void

viewablebooleantrue indicates that the ad container is on-screen, and false indicates that it is not.

Supported methods

Unity supports the following MRAID methods:


Use this method to subscribe a specific handler function to a specific event. Multiple listeners can be subscribed to a specific event and a single listener can handle multiple events.

addEventListener(event: string, listener: function): void


The name of the event to listen to. For a complete list, refer to the section on events.

listenerobjectThe function to execute when the event triggers.

Note: Remove event listeners when they are no longer in use. For more information, refer to the documentation on the removeEventListener method.


Use this method to downgrade an ad container’s state. Because Unity does not currently support both expand and resize methods, this method can only change an ad from the default state to a hidden state.


Note: This method triggers the stateChange event.


Use this method to query the device for the current orientation of the app.

getCurrentAppOrientation(): { orientation: string, locked: boolean }

Return values

orientationA string describing the orientation of the app. This can be “landscape” or “portrait”.

A boolean indicating whether the orientation is locked in its current position, where true indicates that the orientation is locked.

Note: The forceOrientation attribute in setOrientationProperties is not supported when the orientation is locked.


Use this method to return the current position and size of the ad view, measured in density-independent pixels.


Return values

{x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}

xThe number of pixels offset from the left edge of the rectangle defined by getMaxSize().
yThe number of pixels offset from the top of the rectangle defined by getMaxSize().
widthThe current width of the container in pixels.
heightThe current height of the container in pixels.


Use this method to return the position and size of the default ad view, measured in density-independent pixels, regardless of what state the calling view is in.


Return values

{x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}

xThe number of pixels offset from the left edge of the rectangle defined by getMaxSize().
yThe number of pixels offset from the top of the rectangle defined by getMaxSize().
widthThe current width of the container in pixels.
heightThe current height of the container in pixels.


Because Unity does not support the expand and resize methods, this method always returns the maximum size (in density-independent pixel width and height) of the ad's container. The return values for full-screen interstitial ads will always be the full screen dimensions.


Return values

{width: number, height: number}

widthThe current width of the container in pixels.
heightThe current height of the container in pixels.


This method returns the type of placement, which might affect the creative's behavior.


Return values

"inline"Indicates an inline ad placement.
"interstitial"Indicates an interstitial ad placement.


This method returns the actual pixel width and height, based on the current orientation in density-independent pixels, of the device on which the ad is running.


Return values

{width: number, height: number}

widthThe maximum width of the screen size in pixels.
heightThe maximum height of the screen size in pixels.


This method returns the current state of the ad container. Because Unity does not support the expand and resize methods, the ad state will never return “expanded” or “resized” values.

getState(): string

Return values

"default"Indicates that the ad container is in its default visible state.
"hidden"Indicates that the ad container is hidden.
"loading"Indicates that the ad container is loading.


This method returns the version of the MRAID interface that Unity supports, allowing the bidder to confirm the basic features before display.


Return values

3.0Indicates that the MRAID interface is version 3.0.

isViewable (deprecated)

Important: This event has been deprecated. However, Unity still supports it to maintain backward compatibility.

This method returns whether the ad container is currently on or off the screen.


Return values

trueThe container is on screen and viewable.
falseThe container is off screen and not viewable.

Note: This method triggers the viewableChange event.


This method displays an embedded browser window in the application that loads an external URL. On device platforms that do not allow an embedded browser, this method invokes the native browser with the external URL.




The URL of the external web page.


Use this method to unsubscribe a specific handler method for a specific event. You should always remove event listeners when they're no longer in use to avoid errors.

removeEventListner(event: string, listener: fuction: void)



The name of the event the listener is subscribed to, which can include:

  • "error"

  • "ready"

  • "sizeChange"

  • "stateChange"

  • "viewableChange"

listenerfunctionThe function to be removed.


This method returns whether the requesting device supports a specific feature.




The name of the feature to query:

  • "calendar"

  • "inlineVideo"

  • "sms"

  • "storePicture"

  • "tel"

Return values

trueThe device supports the queried feature.
falseThe device does not support the queried feature.


This method informs the host that the ad should no longer be shown to the user. Use this method if the ad encounters errors or runtime exceptions that do not allow it to render correctly.

unload(): void

Unsupported methods

Unity does not support the following methods:

  • createCalendarEvent
  • expand
  • getExpandProperties
  • getLocation
  • getResizeProperties
  • initVpaid
  • playVideo
  • resize
  • setExpandProperties
  • setResizeProperties
  • storePicture
  • useCustomClose


If you get an Uncaught TypeError such as the following example, it might indicate that the MRAID interface is not available yet, or that the ad creative failed to include the <MRAID> script tag so the interface was never attached.


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getVersion' of undefined.

This error would occur if you try to call the getVersion method without including the <MRAID> script tag. To correct this, add the script tag in earlier in the code, before referencing any MRAID functions.